Is this not the sweetest thing you've ever laid your eyes on?
Let me back up to last night at bed time. Okay maybe just a little background info first, then onto my story. The first night we had the kids Jessica wanted to sleep with Eric and I, which we allowed. The second night was the night we all had melt downs, so daddy’s girls slept with him and I slept on Jessica’s bed to give them room. So last night I was putting everyone to bed and told Jessica that tonight she was going to sleep in her own bed. I named each bed, Emilee’s bed, Joaquin’s bed, Nate’s bed and so on. As I laid her on her bed she began to pitch a royal fit because she wanted to sleep in our bed. I sat by her bed and told her it was okay and tried to console her. Eric and I couldn’t decide if it was fear causing her to cry, is it that she felt comfort sleeping with us or just a matter of wanting to get her way. So Eric tried to lay with Jessica in her own bed and she insisted she go to our bed anyway. So Eric told her to go ahead. She went to our bed and I laid with Eric on Jessica’s bed. Remember yesterday Emi was a bit upset that we weren’t correcting various behaviors. So we explained to Emi as we were going thru this our “parenting technique” in hopes it would help her to understand our motives and how we are trying to approach things. So we turned out the lights and in less than 2 minutes Jessica came over to her own bed, crawled in between us and told us to go to our own bed that she was okay. We told her we were very proud of her and turned on the bathroom light so she wouldn’t be scared. I was very impressed in how she had thought things out and was willing to try to sleep in her own bed. Emi was impressed and I think started trusting what we were doing.
This morning Joaquin woke up and immediately told us it was his birthday. Jessica tried to convince us it was her birthday too, we told her no but that we had a bag of gifts for her she would get at the fiesta too. Oh and this morning we had no hot water, not even a tad warm. This made for interesting showers. Later we realized the pilot light went out and fixed the problem. So off to breakfast we went. We explained to Emi and Nate that our goal for the day was to teach Jessica and Joaquin to sit at the table and let us take care of getting their food, drinks etc and to sit until we were all finished before they could get up. We had a feeling this would not go over well with Jessica and told Emi and Nate to brace themselves. Boy were we right. Leaning our ways and the limits are very difficult for them. They have to see what is allowed and not allowed and if No really means No. I think today Jessica figured that out. She was not wanting to listen and threw a real fit. A scream at the top of my lungs kind of fit. Sometimes these first fits last up to 2 hours, ours didn’t last that long, but she did have a few of them between breakfast until just after lunch. The meal times were the worst, but she had one good one in between too. These are totally normal and will lessen in time as long as you stick to what you say you will do. After each fit she knew very well that we don’t give in but that we still love her very much. Because she seems to do better with Eric, he handled the fits today while I took care of the other 3. It was interesting to watch Joaquin during these fits, he knew she was being bad and therefore did not try to console her as he did yesterday. He seemed to trust us with what we were doing. She was a bit stand-offish at the fiesta but by dinner and after she was a perfect angel. We try to really praise her for good behavior and let her know we notice when she is good and listens. She is catching on. I think a big part of the problems today was that is was Joaquin’s special day and she didn’t feel as important, no matter how hard we tried. By the end of the day she could see that she was just as special and we love them all the same.
Both Jessica and Joaquin have been especially mean to Emi. Joaquin didn’t want her anywhere near him and it was obvious Jessica didn’t want much to do with her either. Jessica has also been a bit mean to Nate, she sticks her tounge out at him every time she passes him. This was killing Emi because she do desires to play with and be a great sister to Jessica. Well something clicked this afternoon and things are different now. We were playing with silly putty and Emi was trying to show them how you could see the impressions of different things. Both Joaquin and Jessica were open to play with Emi and it’s been better ever since. They wanted her to push them on the swing, Joaquin let her help him with his gifts, Jessica wanted to paint Emilee’s nails and put make up on her, then tonight Jessica asked to sleep with Emilee. Emilee was so glad, I think we’ve had a major break through!
Okay, now onto the Birthday Boy. He was so funny today and very proud to be turning 5, he loved everyone’s messages from the United States. At breakfast the German family brought him a card and a matchbox car. He was so happy he could hardly eat. He held the car and card close to him, it couldn’t leave his site. He had to show all the staff and tell them it was his birthday. He missed his nap today because Jessica was screaming. Luckily the other families don’t think we are nuts because they have all been through it. It’s kind of nice because they offer you encouragement and tell you of their experience. It helps to know you are not alone. Luckily we were well prepared for these fits, and feel we handled them as best we could, in the end we saw results. By 6 we thought he was going to pass out, but he got a second wind. Carmen showed up with his balloon and cake around 3 and Joaquin was beside himself. We tied the balloon on his wrist and he thought he was the king of the world. When he saw his cake he just wanted to guard it and not let anyone near it. We finally put it up really high to show him it was protected. He went and checked on it several times before the party, but was okay to just play with his balloon. At party time he wanted to put all the chairs around the table himself and sit right by his cake. We sang happy birthday to him in Spanish, French, English and German. He was so proud, he smiled ear to ear the whole time. Carmen gave everyone mickey mouse ears to wear and a Colombian colored shaw. What fun. Then it was time to open gifts. Zuetana gave both Jessica and Joaquin a small gift, which was so nice. I have never seen Joaquin so serious for so long as he was when he was opening gifts. He was not sure what to think. Once he took everything out he wanted to put them all back in and keep them safe. Other kids came from the other Zuetana house and I think Joaquin knew these were his toys and not community toys for all of the kids. He takes great pride in his things. Jessica refused to open hers in front of everyone. She had to open them in the cabin, then packed them back in her bag and came back to join the party. They are so afraid someone is going to take what is theirs. Joaquin did go to the park yesterday without his backpack and to every meal today with out it. Improvement!
After the party the came back to the cabin and played nicely with Emilee and Nate with all of their new toys. We really didn’t give them much, we don’t want to overwhelm them any more than they already are. Joaquin’s favorite thing really was the balloon, he played with it from the time he got it until the time he went to bed. He had to tie it in a safe place before going to bed. We all got he biggest kick out of him today, he is very silly and have I mentioned that he doesn’t stop talking? The boy talks and talks and talks, it’s hysterical.Today he was telling me something and then looked me in the eye and in English said, “You Understand?” I about fell over. I didn’t realize how much he has picked up in this short amount of time. Jessica counts to 10 in English, actually she won’t count in Spanish anymore. She asked me the colors in English for her nail polish and asked the English name for her My Little Pony. She now only calls it Pony. They are really smart, it’s quite evident.
Okay a few last things before I hit the sack.
Nate to Tia Jeanie = “By the way, Tia Jeanie, I’m naturally guapo, you know that.
Emi to the boys at school = Here is the tiger and monkey you asked for, this is as good as it gets! (The boys at school asked Emi to bring them back a tiger and a monkey. She told them that there are monkeys in Colombia, but not in the big city “Bogota”, and there are no tigers here, we are not in Africa) But as luck has it she came across both a monkey and a tiger, so this is for the 6th grade boys. Also Tacos are a Mexican dish not a Colombian dish. Colombia is more like “rice and beans” kind of food.
Oh and the fresh fruit and juice caught up with us today. Mucho toilet paper for the Cabin! Okay that was gross, but it’s true. We’re not alone, a friend from the other Zuetana is having the same problem. We drank some soda and ate some potato chips today to try and unshock our bodies. I seriously think our bodies are in shock from the change in eating habits. I am sure to lose weight here.
Again I thank you all for the comments. It’s the highlight of the day for the kids when they read the comments. I really can’t express to you enough how much it means to me that you all are including Emi and Nate in your comments. They feel very connected to home because of you all. They are getting a kick out of the Tio Brian and Tia Jeanie for sure.
Love to all of you. We are feeling much less homesick and starting to adapt. If the morning goes well, we may even attempt to go to Unicentral, the big mall with some fun stuff for the kids. So far Jessica has not been ready for such a trip, we’ll see how tmw goes, we may put it off one more day. On Sunday we plan to go back to the market with another CHI Family staying at the other Zuetana house. They have a beautiful baby girl, they came to the party today and Emi was in heaven. She got her baby fix! She’s been missing her cousins Maddie and Annslee and I think baby Sofia helped that.
Hasta Luego!
Okay, one last pic, just for the fun of it
Hi Beth,
Your blog is the highlight of my day. I seriously savor it until the very last moment before I go to bed and then read it. You and your husband have a Faith so deep and are just amazing parents! Your patience and love is so evident in your guys are AWESOME!
We will be in Bogota on 4/26, please let me know if there is anything you or the kids are craving (any processed junk food??? to help counteract the healthy food and I will bring it! Email me or drop a post on our webpage:
I am so glad that Joaquin had a good day today. And Jessica too. I'm sure that it is hard for them to understand they they don't have many community (family) toys anymore. I'm sure that will all get better with time.
Emi- great pics of the tiger and monkey. :-P
Emi and Nate- Things are so different for you two and your family now. I really admire how you both just take it all in stride and adapt. You really are great kids! Sorry to hear that Jessica and Joaquin were being a bit nasty to you today, but I am glad that their attitudes chaged and you are all gettin along better again.
I am loving all of the pics that you have been sharing! It is great to read all about how your day goes and then to actually get to see it in the pictures!
My only question for you about the pics is...are we ever gonna get to see one of all six of you guys together? lol
May each day get easier! Until you come home, I look forward to stalking your blogs. I'm keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers! Much love!
Hola Jessica~ Como estas? I love the picture of you painting Emi's nails! And I'm sure you did a better job than Nate does....Last time Emi & Nate spent the night, he painted her toenails and I ended up with a big purple stain on my living room carpet! He's definitely not cut out for that job, so I'm sure Emi will appreciate having someone with a little skill! You're such a pretty little girl with a big beautiful smile! =)
Hola Joaquin~ I saw that you were wound up last night with that balloon! You're silly! I think I also saw you and Nate having a wrestling match, and it looked like you won...WAY TO GO, BUDDY! He's a tough one to handle so I'm proud of you! I'm so glad you had a great birthday! The pirate cake was awesome! I hope you saved me a piece! I love the picture of you're a doll baby! I have this feeling that you, Maddie,& Annslee are going to be quite the gang when you get home - all 3 of you look like trouble! They knew it was your big day and they sang Happy Birthday to you several times yesterday! =)
Yo Nate~ You're right, I guess I did know that you're naturally guapo! Oh, and about the wrestling got whipped by a 5 year old?!?! I think you might be losing your touch, dude! I bet I'll even be able to take you down in no time when I get there to see you! You better practice up so you don't come home and have to tell everyone you're getting beat by 5 year olds AND girls!! =)
Hey Emi~ Hang in there, kiddo! It's hard to understand that Jess & Joaquin aren't used to having parents and big sibs. They're used to doing things a certain way (and doing everything for themselves) so they are probably a bit confused as to why you want to help them so much. You're a natural little mother, so they will need to adjust - and don't worry, they'll adjust in no time. It's been less than a week and it looks like you've already made progress! On the other hand you're used to helping Maddie & Annslee with everything since that's all they know. It's a tough adjustment for each one of you and guess what - the rest of us are all going to have to figure it out once you get home!
Good Morning Hollis Family!
I am also a blog stalker. I check it several times every day for updates.
I really enjoy hearing and seeing the culture. The flags by the birthday cake were a wonderful idea.
Nate - I miss seeing you each morning. Chad asked me yesterday where you were. I told him and showed him a few of the pictures. He said, "COOL!"
Emi - You did an awesome job on your monkey and tiger. Do you think the boys will give you something else to look for?
Jessica - When you get home, I am in need of a manicure. Are you and Emi available?
Joaquin - I love your cake! Was it good? I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
Eric - all I have to say is "Nice Ears!"
Beth - Thank you for taking the time to post your blog. It sounds like you guys are doing an awesome job with all 4 kids. The power of prayer is amazing!
Love and Prayers,
Hooray for the sisters! Loved the picture of Jessica painting Emi's nails. Such a sisterly moment.
As for the boys, they all looked great in their matching ponchos!
How 'bout Mom? The life of the family photographer, 'eh Beth? There are no pictures of me anywhere either. :)
I just love your updates - as you can tell I stop to check them before I leave for work.
Still praying for you all, the Hollis 6!
Dios te bendiga!
Wow! That is the coolest cake I've ever saw! Happy Birthday Joaquin!!!
Beth, you are doing a great job! Consistency is key! Keep up the great work.
Love the photo of the girls! How precious! Emi is gonna make a great sister...
Sounds like you guys are doing great and making lots of progress. The nice thing about the long in country stay is it gives you time to adjust to each other before all of the distractions of home and friends and family. Sounds like its been good for you guys so far too. Happy Birthday to Joaquin!
Joaquin - Estoy feliz oir su cumpleanos era muy divertido!
Jessica - Su tenga una hermana muy bein y un hermano muy divertido! Espero que su gustaba sus regalos! Adios!
Nate and Emi - I'm glad to hear you're being so good (not like I would expect anything else, lol). I love you guys and can't wait to see you when you get back! I'm sure you're being such a great help to your parents so keep it up! Love you guys!
Beth--thank you so much for your candidness about everything! It really helps those of us who are preparing to go and to know what to expect. I can imagine the challenges each day presents and am so fortunate to have your experiences to learn from. You guys seem to be doing awesome things as everyone seems to take baby steps each day to where you want your family to go.
Nat and Emi--I know you don't know me but I am SO proud of how you two are handling everything. I share your experiences each day with my 7 year old son who will be going with us to Bogota soon so that we, too, can pick up two children. I know he will be feeling inside a lot of what you two are feeling. He's even said maybe you guys can help him when he goes through this whole experience. It must be tough to see how things are a little for different for Joaquin and Jessica--like how they are disciplined and how you are disciplined, or what's expected of the two of you versus what is expected of them. I can only imagine that this must be hard for you guys every day. But just trust your mom and dad as they will eventually get Joaquin and Jessica caught up with you two. J and J are VERY lucky to have the two of you!!! Hang in there and keep up the great work!
Well I can tell ya, I get my daily cry in.. lol :)Mostly happy tears, but also tears of mixed emotions for your family and just how well you all are adjusting to all the changes. You ALL are amazing.. and handling it all so well. God's blessings just keep pouring on your family.. thank you LORD!
We enjoy sharing this experience with your family so much!
It has been a blessing from the start, and continues to get better and better.
WE loved the pictures of the party cake and the shawls and ears?? lol so cute!
Emi and Jessica the nail painting picture is priceless!
Love the picture of Eric and the kids..
Beth, can someone take a picture of the family? all 6 of you so we can see your new family of 6??? Look forward to it!
Hello Beth, Eric, Emilee, Nathan, Jessica & Joaquin,
It looks like everyone had a good time yesterday at the party and looked a little tired last night.
I'm sure everyone is refreshed this morning.
Emilee, the moon was bright and big and right outside my front door. I need a manicure when you get back.
Nathan, we still didn't get the game, maybe today!!! Looked like you and Joaquin was having a good wrestling match!!!
Jessica, you are a beautiful granddaughter and can't wait to see you in person. Now we have 2 granddaughers and 7 grandsons.
Joaquin, Looks like you had a happy birthday. I liked your balloon, cake and micky ears. Can't wait to see you.
Beth, I am enjoying the blog and the pictures. I know it's time consuming; but it helps to hear and see pictures. Sounds like each day is getting a little better.
Eric, Hope you have caught up on some rest, that you were despertly needing before you left. I'm sure your getting your exercise keeping up with everyone.
Love, Mamaw(Mom)& Papaw
We cant wait until our new niece and nephew see the deer in our yard, the soft serve at DQ, the dogs in our yard, the cat in our living room, the water in our pool, our arms waiting to hug them and the love we have waiting to show and give them. We cant wait till you guys come home.
love tio bud and tia jo
Beth you are just amazing in how you communicate what is going on with the discipline and the psychological games you play to teach your children what you are expecting from them. It is eye opening to me to see the challenges you have meshing your biological family with your adopted family. I am just in awe of the wisdom that you have shown and the amazing effort it takes! I see the Lord in your daily experiences. Thank you for sharing your stories! And i am sorry this is so late, i am trying to catch up after a really busy 2 weeks! God bless!
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