Waking up and getting ready with all six of us was kind of humorous. Jessica and Joaquin got right up and into the shower (one at a time). It’s amazing how independent they are. Some of the habits are a bit odd, they both got in the shower with their underwear on. And wouldn’t take them off until they got out of the shower and started drying off. We’ll have to work on that one. Jessica didn’t want any help with her hair. She pulled it up in a ponytail and put a barrett in the front, it’s obvious she is trying to grow her bangs out. She loves to fix her hair. She fixed it at least 5 times today and is very particular. When Joaquin took his pajamas off he folded them very nicely and handed them to me. We all just looked at him in shock, then of course I told Nate he needed to take some lessons from his little brother. Emi was just in awe of how they did everything and didn’t want any help.
We took the morning to put up all of the electronics and set some rules. We set certain times for television and for snacks. It made a big difference for Jessica and Joaquin to have some structure and limits, you could see right away it that it was a good thing. Joaquin is very laid back and easy going. Jessica is trying to figure out the way things work with us and will whine until she sees we are serious and not going to give in. She has been mostly a daddy’s girl, she so desires his attention and wants to serve him at meal time. She loves attention from Mami too but Papi is definitely king. She loves to give abrazos y besos (hugs and kisses).
Joaquin is not so free with his hugs and kisses but is starting to come around. He love so sit on your lap and play and doesn't mind hugs and kisses from you but shys away when we ask him for the affection. He calls all ladies Mami. This is normal for a child who has live in an orphanage. He doesn't udnerstand what a family is. Mami to him is like saying Maam. The staff here are trying to help him understand that only I am mami, but he just smiles at them, he doesn't get it yet. Jesscia however really does seem to understand.
After lunch we laid them down for a siesta. Jessica had about a 5 minute melt down. Not a fit, just some tears and soft crying. We held her and assured her everything was going to be okay. This is all very normal, they are missing their friends and scared about what is going on. She did fall asleep soon after. Just after waking up from nap time, Joaquin was reprimanded for being wild. He was not so fond of that and also cried for about 2 minutes. We're doing good if this is as bad as it gets. We were getting ready to leave at this time to go buy them shoes. I think he was nervous we were taking them back because he was very quiet for the first bit of the trip. Once he realized everything was okay, he was back to his happy self. Jesscia couldn’t stand it when he was upset and wanted to offer him some candy. We let her give him a fruit snack and all was well.
We walked around the town a bit with Carmen, one of the activity directors at our B&B. She showed us a few parks and places to go. Then she showed us to a shoe store near where we are staying. We didn’t want to go to the mall just yet because Jessica wants everything she sees and we didn’t want a big scene in the mall. Jessica wants flip flops badly, but needed some nice shoes for her dress and a pair of tennis shoes. We had to explain to her she can’t have everything she wants, but we will get her what she needs. In the end she was happy with her new shoes. No tears or fits. Way to go Jessica! Joaquin chose a pair of shoes that light up when you walk and was very proud. He’s a happy go lucky kid.
On the way back Eric and the kids when on to the cabin while Carmen and I went to a party store to order a birthday cake and decorations for Joaquin's birthday on Thursday.
When we returned everything hit Emilee like a ton of bricks. She became very homesick and full of tears. She misses her family back home and all of her friends. It made her feel very good to check the email and the blog and see that so many people left her comments and emails. She is still looking for the monkey and the tiger (to the boys at school). Keep the comments and emails coming, it helps to not feel so far away from home.
Then Jessica had another mini melt down just before dinner, the poor thing has gone through a lot but is doing very well.
The whole evening was tough for Emilee and so she got on line with her Mamaw Starla and they talked for a while. Then after dinner she wanted to call her Mimi. So Mimi and Papa helped her along for a bit. Then we called Uncle Brian on the webcam and the tears started really rolling. She finally had to walk away and her daddy took over. Usually Daddy can make everything better, but it wasn’t until Jessica snuggled up to her that Emi was able to calm down and feel at peace. Jessica was very worried about her big sister.
Then it started with Nate. Holy cow everyone was on emotional overload. I then started too, it tore me up to see them upset. BUT, all is well and everyone is okay. I think a lot of it is that reality has set in plus nothing is set in stone until next Monday. Emi has mentioned several times that she is worried they will not let us keep the kids. I have assured her that will not happen, but it’s hard for a 10 and 11 yr old to really understand. Plus it’s tough that hey can’t understand everything Jessica and Joaquin are saying and are not used to us having to give so much attention to others. It’s stressful, yes, everyone is trying to figure each other out, but it is good. Everyone is in bed now, asleep and feeling much better.
Tomorrow Eric is taking Emi out on a date to McDonalds for lunch. Then in the evening he is taking Nate to play Wii at another B&B. This will be very good for them. They are both excited to have Jessica and Joaquin and love when Jessica and Joaquin seek their attention.
Jessica and Joaquin are very smart critters. We have not started working on English with them yet, but by afternoon Jessica was saying her numbers 1 - 10 in English and saying Hello. She corrects us if we say something wrong in Spanish and has become our little dictionary. They have learned if we are not understanding something that they can gesture to help us figure it out. Jessica may become an interpreter, she is very good at charades…smile.
So that’s all I have in me for tonight. Time to hit the sack. More tomorrow night.
Thank you to everyone leaving comments and sending emails. It helps to know you all are praying for us and sending your support. It is the highlight of the kids day to check the comments.
Love to all of you!
Photos of course, everyones favorite part.
They love Emi and Nate's Ipods!
Jessica loves to have Emilee spin her in circles
Brothers wrestling on the bed
My tears flowed as well as I read your blog. I know this must be an emotional journey for all of you, but it sounds like when all was said and done, peace has led all of the kids to what is hopefully a good night's sleep. I will strengthen my prayers for all of you. May each day bring you closer together. Emi and Nate~ hang in there! I know this must be quite a change in your life. But Jessica and Joaquin are so fortunate to have such wonderful siblings who love them so much already. I hope you have a great time with your Dad tomorrow. When you are feeling down, remember that you can lean on each other! God bless each and every one of you!
Wow! What a great day! It sounds like everyone is getting along pretty well!
I can only image what kind of emotions you all are experiencing. Everything from joy to homesick.
I am glad that all has gone well so far and that you are all working well together.
Jessica and Joaquin sound very smart and I am sure that by the time you head home, they will know many words in English...just like Emi and Nate will have picked up much Spanish.
Emi and Nate - You are great kids! I think that it is wonderful that you are so open and willing to try all the new things there.
I am loving all of the pictures of you.
Still keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers...everyday!! Luv ya!!!
fCongratulations guys! Your kids are beautiful and it seems like things are going great for only the 2nd day. We can sympathize with Emi & Nate. Brian had one massive meltdown while we were picking up Angelica in front of our interpretor. We were so convinced they would not let us dare leave Colombia with Angelica. (Our interpretor thought it was very humorous). It will get easier. Its hard to be away from home but everyone is thinking of you. One thing is for sure, your new siblings need you. We love all the pictures. Were wishing Joaquin a happy birthday.
I love following your journey through your blogs. You can see God's work in progress through your words. Emi and Nate - you two are wonderful siblings. It's a big adjustment, however, God will help you through it. He will not give you more than he knows you can handle. Remember, you are the ones who will be the biggest example to your new siblings. They will always look up to you.
Eric and Beth - Our prayers are with you both. What an emotional overload! Hang in there!
Jessica and Joaquin - I am so glad you are a part of the Hollis family. I can't wait to meet you both!
Love, Hugs and Prayers,
Margie Geisler
What an amazing experience!! You guys are so blessed! Hang in there--you are all being lifted in prayer by so many.
Love the photos! I'm so excited for all of you.
Love & Prayers
Debbie S
Alright you 2, suck it up! I can't be up here thinking about how much you guys miss me....I know that's really the only thing you're homesick about! Right?? =)
Won't be long, and I'll be down there to visit you! I can't wait! By then you'll be able to show me all around like you own the place! Can't wait to see you guys....maybe we can chat tonight when I get home. Maddie was asking to talk to Emi, Nate, Jessica, & Joaquin last night, but she ended up falling asleep on the way home. If she's up tonight, she'd be happy to make faces at you on the webcam - that's her favorite thing to do on there! Maddie & Annslee both miss you very much and they pray for each of you every night. They ask me every day if we're going to Emi and Nate's house, and they can't wait to take Jessica & Joaquin to the zoo and the park!
Gotta get back to work now. Have a good day!
Love ya's!
Hello Hollis family! I just wanted you to know that we went through the same thing a few weeks ago. Tiffany, who is 12, got homesick too. SHe really missed her friends and actually wanted to go back to school! She was a little upset with all the attention we had to give to Brian but she tried to understand. It is hard living in the B&B and trying to set rules for your family. We picked a few things we felt were the most important to work on and then let some things go until we could really be able to enforce them at home. That is a great idea for Eric to take time with Emi and Nate. John and I did the same thing with Tiffany. I think it helped ease her mind and she realized we still loved her just as much as before Brian came into our lives. Hope you have a wonderful day 3 as a family of 6!
Ok EJ, here's the deal.....you should realize by now that those 3 monkeys running around there are not your mom and dad's....but they're your little puppets now! You see, as the oldest child you have certain inherited rights that the other 3 don't have, and because of that you have ALL the power! Trust me, I speak from experience. So use your power to your advantage. But be forwarned, there will be a few things in life that you will not be able to do as the oldest child but by the time Joaquin is that age, he'll be allowed. Just ask Aunt Jeanie about all the things she was allowed to do but your mom and I weren't allowed to do those same things. It's not fair but maybe your mom will learn from MiMi and PaPa's MISTAKES! Ha, ha.
Anyway, I'm sure you're already plotting on how to use your 3 siblings to your advantage, because that's how girls are,,,but don't forget about the wonderful things you're experiencing because very few people get to go through such a life changing event. Your world is going to change for so many positive reasons and the appreciation you'll gain for all the wonderful things you have will become evident soon enough.
Everyone at home is fine and we all miss you very much, well,,,, pretty much. But don't think about all that, enjoy the moments of your trip and share them all with us when you return.
Give your brothers and your sister a kiss for me and tell them I said, "Los Amo!"
Love, Uncle Brian :-)
Hello Emi & Nate!
Although we haven't met, I feel like we already know you so very well through your Mom! It is so very touching to read about how things are going in Colombia. I can only imagine how you may feel...almost like you are riding a roller coaster at times...one moment you feel one way, then the next you feel something completely different. Oh my, I can only imagine! What I do know is that you guys have been so incredibly brave and strong in your travels and now in getting to know your new brother and sister. It is good that you are able to share your thoughts and feelings openly with your Dad and Mom as well! Dave and I are praying for you both as you continue to learn how to be a 'Big Sister' and 'Big Brother'. You guys are doing an awesome job!
Much Love from Pennsylvania!
Just a reminder: if you didn't have a few valleys here and there the mountain tops wouldn't be so Wonderful!
It's sounds as if all the wonderful "adjustments" are starting to take place. Which is to be so excepted as you know. HEY I think you ALL are doing an AMAZING Job keep up the good work!
Emi and Nate: What an adjustment to have to share Mom and Dad with two other people. Their attnention, time and love WOW, But remember there is so much love in Mom and Dads hearts there is still plenty to go around! And the love they have for you two will never ever change. Only grow stronger as it will for Jessica and Joaquin.
Beth Ann I dont know how your doing it taking care of 4 kids and a husband I don't know where you have the time to type other than the midnight hours I'm sure.
Love you all
The Tuckers
*so, whens the next blog..... lol ;0)
Hey Beth!
Just a quick note about the shower experience...our kids did that too! That's a good thing, I think. I think part of it is a trust issue. Ours would ask if it was okay to take them off. The second or third day was not a problem.
Alot of changes going on for everyone...will be praying God knit your hearts together as you get to know more and more about each other. Emi and Nate are real troopers! They are experiencing something that many children their age don't get to...If they have opportunity to share their feelings on the blog, their likes and dislikes about the country, feeling as the family has grown that might be therapeutic for them, especially for Emi...
The family is beautiful! Congratulations. Looks like from the Noticero that you may have the opportunity to hook up with some more CHI families! Happy Wednesday!
I wanted you all to know that we have been keeping up faithfully with your blog over the last few weeks and are so excited for you!!!
We are in the first few months of the adoption process (homestudy, paperwork, all that stuff) with Children's Hope and we have been blog stalking all the other CHI families! The pictures have been great. Your children are beautiful!
We are praying for you guys as everyone adjusts. God bless!!!
Emi - DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR UNCLE BRIAN!! He is so full of it!! He might be the oldest, but he's definitely not the wisest!! As the youngest I learned from HIS mistakes....so I knew how to get away with stuff he wasn't able to figure out on his own! {wink wink}
The moral of the story: No matter where you fall in the sibling line....you have some advantages and some disadvantages. You just have to learn to make the most of the advantages....and try to turn the disadvantages around to make them positive!
Hope you had fun at 'Old McDonald's' today, squirt!!
Love ya!
Hollis Family,
Wow, what an incredible two days you have had! I have to saw all four of your children are precious. I was thinking we have the same contrasts, the red hair, and the Colombian complexion, what a treat to see how families come together.
We're definitely praying for you guys. Even though the adjustments are normal, they're sometimes hard, especially when nothing is what you're used to down there. Emi and Nate you're amazing, it was a lot for me to take when we were there and I am older (and supposed to be the strong mami), I did my share of crying. Someone told me it's almost like meeting a spouse (in your case a friend!) and it's OK to take time to get used to things and not have everything perfect at the start. That helped me a lot. And I bet you have a lot of happy times too.
Love you guys, and be sure to know we're lifting all six of you up before the Father!
In spite of every high and low, please be assured that it is all quite normal. For us, those 3 to 5 days after getting the kiddos were really the roughest days in setting boundaries and forming the foundation for future expectations. Sounds like you've got a grasp on what must be done in order to achieve harmony, and you have great children so it'll be a breeze! Marissa too got very homesick at about this same timeframe, but her emotions were also elevated by being extremely ill for days.
It is such a wonderful calling the Lord has placed before you! To adopt was not a decision made by the adults, but was placed in their hearts by God. Through an act of obedience came a decision made on behalf of the family (all 4 of you). Even though adjustments may be hard at times, know that God is leading you -- all of you! RECEIVE the BLESSINGS He has bestowed upon your family and as always, keep the faith in knowing that God is above and smiling down at your beautiful family!
Love hearing about your experiences, and thanks for so many pictures. They show the love your family has to offer which is such a joy to share in!
I would love to hear Nate and Emi's description of the different foods you are eating. Nathan - is anything "scrumpdiliumptious?"
Please give our birthday wishes to Joaquin. It will be a birthday all of you will remember.
Love and Prayers,
Hello everybody, Just finished reading the latest blog. Sounds like full and eventfull days. Each day will get a little easier as Jessica & Joaquin realize they are going to get to stay with their mom & dad and sister and brother. I'm sure it is an adjustment for you all, but will all work out in the end.
Emi, I enjoyed talking with you yesterday and any time you need some girl talk, I'm available.
Nate, Sounds like you found a WII game to play down there. Way to go.
Tell Jessica and Joaquin hello for us. Mamaw & Papaw
Hi Hollis Family!!! Wow, things are off to with a bang!!! I'm so happy to hear that you all are handling everything like true troopers. I can't imagine going through all that you all have gone through the last two days!!! You guys have been a wonderful blessing to our family!! Hang in there Emi and Nate..you guys are a GREAT big sister and big brother..
Emi & Nate, Miss Ya Both Can't Wait Til You're Home Give Jessica & Joaquin A Big Hug & Kiss For Me & Mimi Your Picture Swinging Jessica & Nate Wrestling With Joaquin Were Priceless See Ya Real Soon Papa
I teared up as well. Your family as a whole is soooooo sweet! I only pray that I am as wonderful a mom especially in the rough days. Things will smooth out, the Lord is right there by your side as you make this amazing transition. Emi and Nate, you two are just amazing! I know you are going to be pros at being big brother and sister by the time you come home! Feliz Cumpleanos Joaquin!
hello hollis family.. all 6 of you!
first off for the Birthday boy!! Joaquin a BIG (belated) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Sounds like you had a wonderful party.
Beth thank you so much for all your hard work in blogging and putting the pictures up so we can see and enjoy them. I know I go to bed every night stalking the blog and first thing in the morning I am checking for updates.. and Ashley is right there asking me mom did you check for updates?? :)
We can tell you are a proud Mami
I have been printing the pictures for Ashley and she made a picture book and adding to it. So again thank you!!
Emi and Nate, you are being the best big sis and big brother there can be, adjusting to all the newness of having younger siblings and sharing mom and dad. Wow it can be hard but God will help you through it.
Jessica and Joaquin, you are so cute!! Can wait to meet you both.. You are doing a great job learning new things. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
Eric We see the new daddy glow! :)
we can see you are a proud Papi!
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