So to pick up where we left off, the kids went to bed well the night before we left and were up bright and early without any trouble ready to get on an airplane. I think the anticipation of getting on an airplane was more fun than the actual ride. On our flight out of Bogota Joaquin and I sat together and then Jessica sat in our same row but on the other side between two ladies. The two ladies on either side of Jessica were awesome. I felt horrible not being next to her, but the Lord gave us great folks to sit with on the plane. The one lady held Jessica’s hand as they took of and was able to explain and answer all of Jessica’s questions. She helped Jess with her breakfast and was oh so sweet. I thanked her several times for her kindness. Joaquin and I sat with an older lady who reminded me of my grandmother. She fell in love with the kids and asked me to send her photos and to call her on occasion with updates. The kids were awesome and the flight was a breeze to Atlanta. Once we arrive in Atlanta we ran to our next flight after immigration and customs. The flight was boarding by the time we got there. We did clear stand by status but our seats were not close at all. Jesscia sat in row 10 and a kind lady switched me seats so I could sit with Joaquin in row 27. I explained to Jess what had to happen with our seats and she was great about it all. She sat in front in the aisle and I rows back in the aisle. I told her to turn around and she could see me. I told the flight attendant that Jess only spoke Spanish and today was her first day of flying. It was a short flight so all went well and we were in Cincinnati ready to see the rest of the family. When we landed in Cinti I told Joaquin that we didn’t have to get on any more flights and that much of the family was there waiting on them. He lit up like wild fire and was ready to get off the plane and meet the family. Tons of family were there and Jess and Joaquin met them with open arms, hugs and kisses. They were smothered with love and loved every minute of it. You would have thought they had known the family that was there forever, they were so excited to see everyone.
From the airport we went to get quick bite to eat and then to our house. Joaquin kept pointing to different things and asking “Is this the United States?” It was so cute. Jess kept saying to him, “Everything here is the United States!” They went to bed well and have done awesome since they have been home. Jessica is so proud of having her own room, she shares with Emi, but is still so excited. Joaquin has walked through the entire house asking “Is this for me?”
The first several days back were filled with exhaustion and staying busy teaching the ropes of the house. I am thrilled at how well Jessica and Joaquin have done. It’s a lot for them to take in and they take it all in stride. The biggest issue is going to be getting them used to all the flavor in our food. The first taste of everything gets a frownie face, but they are pretty good about trying things and letting me work with them to help them like it.
They were scared to death of the dogs, but after just a few days they trade kisses and are doing great. Yesterday Jessica told me “Tomorrow I want to learn English!” They have been asking a lot how to say various things in English, they are eager to learn and I am so proud of them. Emi and Nate are just glad to have us all home and get back in the swing of things. Jessica and Joaquin went to their first baseball game to watch Nate. They weren’t thrilled about being out so long, but thought Nate was famous when he put his uniform on. They thought it was cool.
Their most favorite item is the trampoline, they would jump on it 24/7 and they are infatuated with the animals even though they are still a little shy with them, but getting better. The family is loving having them here and we are anxious to introduce them to Eric’s family and to my dad’s side of the family. Everyone falls in love with Jessica and Joaquin when they meet them, they are so full of personality. Colombian’s have been described this way “Colombians wring out every bit of life, when they are happy, their whole body is happy, when they are sad, their whole body is sad.” And I couldn’t agree more! I love my little latinos and combined with my two red heads, life couldn’t get any better.
Jess putting on a concert after playing with sidewalk chalk (they had never seen side walk chalk before)
I guess there is just one thing left to say, "welcome home Hollis family, welcome home!" Yeah, we stole that from Ty Pennington...
It's great to hear that you made it home okay.
I'm sure it will be a big adjustment for Jessica and Joaquin, but I have no doubt that they'll thrive with your terrific family.
Congratulations and may God Bless You.
I am so glad that you all made it home safe and things are going well! This is a long awaited post!
There were/are so many praying for you and your family! It looked like a family reunion at the airport in that pic! :0)
Your kids and your families are so awesome! I am so happy for you all!
I can't wait to hear more!
Who is the other dog? I know Jazz...but the boxer lookin dog??
Can't wait to hear more Beth! Great job Hollis family and Welcome home!!
Love and Prayers!!
So glad you are home! What sweet children you have, all four of them. Keep updating when you have "free time!"
It's great to hear that you all guys made it home okay!!
Looking forward to meet the new ones!!
Congratulations and may God Bless You!!!
Love all of you!!
Anthony and Amy
Thanks so much for the update, and look forward to meeting J and J some time soon! Loved the Calderaro family comment above...LOL!! Gotta add one more line from the Wizard of Oz that I'm sure you're feeling very profoundly at the moment: "There's no place like home!" Reading your blog has given me hope that one of these days, hopefully very soon, I'll get to experience Debora's first airplane ride, too! Hugs and blessings to all!
Welcome home guys!! So glad you made it safe and sound. Best wishes for a smooth adjustment. Glad things are going well!
I'm sorry we haven't made it up yet! Will be up in couple of weeks if ya'll be home just let us know? We love you all! Jena & Mason
Hello Hollis Family! Beth, I am so glad that things are going well since arriving home. It sounds like your own children fit so well into the puzzle of your own family! Your little latinos sure have made an impression on Lucrecia(sp?) here at Zuetana! She can't stop talking about all of you! She loves you all so very much and misses you! By the way, she specifically asked if we could send an extra special 'hello' to you Beth! Consider this some love sent straight from Zuetana to you!
We will continue to pray for your own adjustments back home! You guys are such a neat family!
Loved the quote about Colombians and their emotions. you are so right in that they are 100% happy or whatever it is they are feeling. And aren't they just absolutely gorgeous!!?? So glad all is going well at home and I am so proud of Jess and her first plane ride. What a trooper!
So glad to have you all back home..
the kids are just adorable and so cute, you are so blessed.
So happy for you all
the potter family
Congratulations! I haven't read your blog since you got the referral. Boy, did I miss a lot. Your children are beautiful and sound like they are adjusting well. You did a great job of capturing the moments on the blog. Thanks. We look forward to our gothca day.
~ Linda
Beth, I've been checking in on you all the time, but always get side-tracked as I'm about to leave a comment. So even if it is a bit late, the meaning still carries the same weight... Welcome Home!
I'm cracking up at your comment on my blog today. That's such a coincidence and so amazingly trusting of us, don't you reckon? At least we're both grooming our daughters for possible career choices or fallback jobs, and just think... there's plenty of family members to perfect their skills on. I don't know about you but when Marissa was chopping away I had a few visions back to the pictures and story from Holly Dressel's blog, then I really got a little spooked.
So thankful all turned out for the best and we're not sporting hats for a purpose nowadays! I'm sure you'll agree.
Lots of love, prayers, and energy,
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