Joaquin got his DS lite today and thinks it's very cool. The DS was the gift we promised if they were well behaved for Emi yesterday. The afternoon was hectic, but we promised Joaquin just after breakfast today that he could have it. Once again Jessica knew exactly what was going on, mostly because Joaquin reminded her she was muy mal (very bad) yesterday for Emi. She didn’t even make a fuss about it. We also told her that if she could be well behaved today and nice to her siblings that tmw morning she could have her regalo (gift). Then we played bingo and worked on colors, animals and shapes. It’s a leap frog game that’s really cool. We hadn't pulled that game out yet, so it was new for them, they really liked it.
Nate has been begging for a haircut, and I felt very confident in being able to go out with them. The place is just a block or two away. Once I told Joaquin we were going to get Nate's hair cut, he wanted his done too. The place down the road is awesome, they have a whole separate place for kids, it's unreal. Someone should steal this idea for the states, it was awesome. The boys thought they looked really hot, and had green hairspray in their hair. Joaquin's is kind of spiked. I didn't take enough money for Emi and Jess but they could have gotten their hair braided and fixed, I may take the girls tomorrow. Take a look at these photos, I know so many hair stylists, one of you should really think about this, it was only 8 bucks for each of the boys!
I love this pic!
It rained all afternoon with a few rumbles of thunder so we were stuck inside. Just playing around and getting our daily Shrek fix, ok not a fix for all of us but for Jess and Joaquin. It did stop for just a bit, long enough to get on the webcam out on the patio. But at dinner it started pouring it was a real hard peaceful rain, I loved it.
This is how Jessica and Joaquin like to play memory. The coffee table has a glass top, so Joaquin looks from underneath to show us where the matches are
Nate's last day with his friend Jan (Yan)
Our last day with Diro, we did lots of puzzles
Emi and Jessica being creative on a rainy afternoon. The spelled their names with pipe cleaners
I promise, Joaquin did this to himself
Sweet Lucricia saw I was not having a very good day emotionally and made us a very special yummy treat a little before dinner. She then got onto the kiddos and told them all they better be good and give me lots of hugs and kisses. She even gave me several hugs and would just come check on me from time to time. I love her.
Okay, now for a few odds and ends.
Mom, Jessica does have beautiful hair. She is trying to let her bangs grow out and wants it long, so it’s kind of a mess because she always wants in in a ponytail but her bangs don’t go back, but it is so pretty when she leaves it down. Also, Mom, we will be praying for your surgery tmw and a quick recovery. And thank you to you, Aunt Jo and Uncle Bud for going after Eric at the airport in the middle of the night.
The Germans leave tomorrow afternoon so we are anxious to see what family will be coming. I hope it’s not another French family, they have been kind of rude to our kids and are not friendly at all. They only talk to each other and make it known they don’t really like us or the Germans. Oh well.
And last but certainly not least a note from Eric:
I wanted to take a minute an say some very important “Thank you” ‘s today. I will not remember everyone on this post, so please forgive me.
Thank you…
· For Missy Bitner for the tickets to fly and keeping everyone informed as I was boarding the airplanes.
· For Pam (Mom) Aunt Jo and Uncle Bud for waiting for me as a welcoming committee at the Airport at 1:00 in the morning, and taking me home.
· For Uncle Matt, Uncle Brian and all the others who have been mowing and weed eating.
· For Grandpa Ross, Donn (Dad), Pam (Mom), Uncle Matt and all the Balzer’s who re-worked the sidewalks, the mulch, the bushes, the flowers, and the statues of children and the birdbath.
· For Uncle Matt and Pam (Mom) for keeping an eye on the house each day, bringing in the mail, feeding the fish and cat, and watering the plants.
· For Pam (Mom) and Grandpa Ross for the great job on the cleaning the house and rearranging the Florida Room. It looks great!
· For Uncle Bud and Aunt Jo for watching our dogs at there house (and letting our dogs swim in their pool.)
· For Colleen Lutts who allowed me to rearrange part of her day today, so I could get a haircut right after Uncle Matt and I went out for American Fast Food at Lunch today. Thank you Colleen, You are the BEST HAIRSTYLIST… and even though it is one day late… “Happy National HairStylist Day!”
· For all friends and family who have prayed, talked, emailed, commented on the blog, called, and encouraged in so many ways. You are all the best…
And I thank God for each and everyone of you,
With much Love,
Dear Beth,
We share each other a wonderful experience with the adoption of our kids.
I think that it's just a lack of communication which gives you a false image of us. An exchange of communication implies also your will.
We would prefer to share these moments in the harmony, and without critical useless.
BĂ©atrice & David & Alexandra
Hang in there Beth! It's getting close for you to come home. I can only imagine how homesick you must be and how you must long for familiarity! Just hug those kids tight and we'll all pray each night that your return is sooner than later. I'll also say a prayer for no rain in Bogota tomorrow so you can get out a little more and experience the calming effects that nature can bring. Take care!
It was so great to get to chat with you today! I know that your time online on IM is kinda limited, so I just wanted to say thanks for chatting!
I always look forward to reading your posts!! You crack me up! I love all of the pics and the way you word things. You always have me laughing.
Don't worry bout that German family! lol I hope that your next family is as open and awesome as you all are!
Nate and Joaquin - both of you guy's hair looks great! The green hairspray was crackin me up!
Emi and Jessica - I am so glad that you could play together and have fun. It looked like you all had a great day today...even if it was a bit rainy!
Eric - I am so glad that you made it home safely! I am sure that your flight home was a bit stressful having to wait in Atlanta for so long, and the rest of your family still so far away.
We are all praying for you all! I know I think about you guys all the time! I hope that you get their birth certificates back quickly and all goes well. Not too much longer now guys! You are all doing so great! Keep your spirits up! We are there with you in spirit and prayer!
Love and Prayers!!
The pics are great. Beth and Eric, you have your hands full with Joaquin. He is precious! I wonder how long until you are both gray? :)
Eric, so glad you are home safely!
Nate and Emi, you guys have been troopers. I can see by the pictures how settled in you are with your siblings. By the way, nice green hair!
Jessica, please give Mami lots of extra hugs and kisses. She is the best Mami you could ever hope for! I can't wait to meet you and Joaquin here at school.
Beth, I will offer up extra prayers for you today. I'll also pray for nice weather so you and the kids can get outside. If it rains, maybe they could pass the time by making special decorations to welcome Aunt Jeanie. I'll pray she arrives quickly and safely to help ease your stress.
Again, thank you so much for your daily blog. I know it takes a lot of time but I truly enjoy stalking it. Your words and pictures are such an awesome witness of the amazing things the Lord can do!
Love and Prayers,
Hurray, Three weeks under your belt. We're in the home stretch now. This time next week I'm sure you'll be on your way home. Beth, honey, never be sorry for the tears, they are a very good release of all the things that are building up. Tears are healthy and God gave us that ability for a very good reason. I know everyone will be doing better today-got to it's FRIDAY-hurray. Eric it was our pleasure to help out. It helps us to feel more a part of this whole process too and pass the time while all of you are gone,to keep our minds more busy. It also was a way of expressing our love to all of you. Hope you can feel the love. Hey that salon was fantastic, kids are probably begging to get their haircut all the time. Hey dudes(Nate&Joaquin) love the cuts and the color. I'm telling you both -you should go into modeling. Emi and Jess I hope you get to go back to the salon and a fun experience. Cool names in pipe cleaners. Isn't being creative fun! Drink some tea for me Emi. Can't wait to share a cup with you when you get home. Good luch when Aunt Jeanie gets there, I'll be praying extra hard for all of you,in dealing with her-HA,HA. Bunches of love , hugs, and kisses. MIMI
Footnote, in regards to communication comment. There needs to be willingness on both accounts for this to occur. When a hand is extended but not received by those it is being extended to - it speaks clearly of itself.
Beth keep your chin up, and keep on doing what your doing. AND if you want to cry then by all means cry. Love you Honey
counting down the days with you....
Beth hang in there. It has to be hard especially with Eric gone and you being in an unfamiliar place by yourself with the kids. I would be going nuts and crying every day and night. Tears are good though and is a good release to relieve some stress from our bodies. That is one purpose of many God meant it to be used for and we need to allow ourselves that privilege to do that. So you just have a good cry when you feel you need it.. :)
Eric so glad you did make it home. Was praying for you yesterday when we heard you were still in Atlanta and that your luggage had to be left behind. So happy God brought you through and got you home safely. We know how hard it must be, you in the states and the rest of your family in another country.. our prayers continue for you all.
hey kiddos.. you all give mami(mommy) some extra special hugs and kisses every day.. she needs them and will appreciate them more then you will know..
this is a hard and trying time for you all.. you all are super troopers so hang in there you will be home soon. God is watching over you and has his hand protecting your family.
I love the salon.. I too wish there was a place here like that.. hint hint.. :)
hope today is a good day for you.. with lots of sunshine and even more SONshine.. God bless you all and may he continue to poor blessings on your family.
Beth, I pray you will feel a lot of that stress relieved when your sis gets there.. Thank God for him allowing her to come to be with you and the kiddos. That is just our awesome God working again..
love and prayers.. lots of hugs too
the potter family
If, for you, people who do not speak your language are not interesting nor sympathetic nerves, this is really damage. We have never evoked the fact of not loving German or American, far from there. You interpret with your way. We don't have anything against your children, but for small 2 years, it is always necessary to be behind. Afflicted that you l' forgot! Thank you and good continuation in this great adventure which is the adoption. Carine, Jean-Louis and Yohan.
Hi Hollis family,
I am following along each night. Thank you for sharing so much of your personal journey with the world. Your have been so open and I have appreciated that. I know I will have days that are tough too and will remember you! I signed up to comment in the beginging and couldn't figure it out again! So now I can comment away. The kids look great. I have been praying for you on good days and bad. God Bless YOU!
Jan in Alaska
Beth and Eric, and kids,
I am so happy for you guys. Thank you Eric for my little plug. Ha!Ha!
Beth you should of called me for those haircuts. I am willing to fly! I know too much humor this early, but you know you miss it.
I wnted you to know they do have salons like that already here in the states, one is Hyde Park square. It is cool.
Well we love you all the kids are beautiful, the Lord has really blessed you.
With love and Prayers, Colleen
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