We hit the sack and caught so me zzzzzs. So this morning Jessica woke up first and it took about 1 minute for her to snuggle up to Tia Jeanie with hugs and kisses, she has been by Jeanie’s side ever since. Joaquin woke up not long after and he too warmed right up to Tia Jeanie. They were so cute this morning. I wasn’t sure if they would be shy at first or just plain excited. You would have thought they had known Tia Jeanie forever. But, to the family, beware, Jeanie already has them brainwashed, they call her their favorite.
Anyone at home feeling a little jealous?
I heard it start raining about 4 am and was hoping it would stop by the time we got up. It did slow up and even stop a bit after breakfast so we called Peggy and Sofia to see if they wanted to go to the market. We got the strollers together and off we went. Just about the time we got to the market it started raining again. We got an ice cream, I know, big surprise, and stood under some shelter until it slowed up again.
So we took back off and again it started to rain. We didn’t bring enough umbrellas so Jeanie and I got soaked, really soaked. Peggy, Emi and Sofia tried to stay some dry by standing under a small tent. Jeanie and I stuck it out, it was the only chance Jeanie would have go to the market. The kids were such great sports, because we were very wet and cold. We decided to get a taxi to go back, because I don’t think we would have made it otherwise, the rain just wouldn’t quit. Peggy, Sofia, Emi and Nate went in one, back to Peggy’s Zuetana. Jeanie, Jessica, Joaquin and myself found another taxi and went to our place. We changed clothes, dried our hair, and then went over to get Emi and Nate from Peggy. Peggy then treated us to pizza from Dominos. Thank you Peggy, you are so sweet!!
By the time we got back, around 3, I would say Aunt Jeanie had been given at least about 20 hugs and kisses, so look out family, I told you they were affectionate. They obviously feel the love and are thriving on it. Wait till they get with the rest of you…oh boy! Joaquin showed his funny self to Jeanie today, and Jessica was just as sweet as could be. Jeanie said she felt like she was well prepared in knowing what to expect in who they were, so I feel good that you all will also be well prepared when you meet them. They are doing great and have been just as good as can be.
Aunt Jeanie brought some more videos, so Emi and Nate spent some quiet time with a movie in English up in the loft while Jeanie and I caught up on email and Jessica and Joaquin watches Spirit and Kids Spanish music videos, from Tia Jeanie. Also a lady Jeanie works with sent the kids each a gift. All of them were so excited. Joaquin had to carry his truck with him today and Jessica put on her necklace to match her outfit.
The weather here is high fifties to the upper sixties. Jessica and Joaquin always think they need a jacket but the rest of us are okay in short sleeves. Native Colombians walk around on cloudy days in heavy coats, scarves, hats and gloves. They think babies need to be completely bundled up and will tell you your baby is cold if they aren’t totally covered. We just wear short sleeves and take a jacket on cloudy days.
Tonight we were putting the kids to sleep and Jeanie was just ending a webcam call with Matt and Maddie. Joaquin was turning on and off the lights. So when Jeanie got off of the computer, Jessica was trying to tell us something that neither of us understood. When we don’t understand, Jessica breaks into Charades. So we told her we didn’t understand and she went right into Charades. It took us a minute but then Jeanie and I looked at each other and said at the same time, “Oh Tia Jeanie needs the light on to talk on the webcam!” And Jessica got a big smile and said “Si, Si”, like she knew what we were saying in English. Another good laugh.
Oh and Jessica is fascinated with Jeanie’s long hair. And we got to see the dogs on the webcam tonight. I can’t wait to get my hands on them, they were happy to be home. Eric said the dogs kept going to the kids rooms looking for them.
We are all exhausted tonight, I think it’s the gloomy weather the last few days, so off to sleep we go. I think Jeanie is exhausted more from laughing at the kids than from the traveling. It was a good day, and very nice to have Tia Jeanie with us. Tia Jeanie makes us laugh as much as the kids, so it was nice to have a fresh perspective and a reminder to us to enjoy the little things.
I absolutely LOVE reading your blogs! I look forward to them every night when I get home!
I am so excited for you guys that Jessica and Joaquin took to Aunt Jeanie so well. I know that you, Emi, and Nate all really love having her here with you! I am so glad that she can share all of this with you guys!!!
The pics of all of you are wonderful! Wouldn't it be great to get one of ALL of you?! lol I hope that having Aunt Jeanie there makes things go smoother for you and a lil bit less homesick.
I know you must be excited to get back and see the rest of your family. See your pets and lay in your own beds.
Thanks for sharing and keep up the awesome work!
btw...I'm kinda excited...I get to be the first to comment tonight! haha
Still with love and prayers!!
I think Jessica and Joaquin define priceless. The smiles and looks on their faces when interacting with you guys makes us all wish we were there. I cant wait to be at the airport to welcome all of you HOME. Love you guys and cant wait to see and hug you. By the way can you bring me a coin or two for my dad, thanks, love uncle bud.
The kids look like they have known Tia Jeanie forever! Your pictures show so much love in Jessica and Joaquin.
Take in all you can these next few days. I have a feeling the time is going to fly by now that Jeanie is with you. I will pray the rain is done for a few days and you can get out and show Jeanie the sights. (And eat ice cream!) :)
Love and Prayers,
Hey guys, I enjoyed the blog....kind of! I knew Jeanie would try to brainwash them right off the bat! But that's ok b/c they'll see I'm their favorite Uncle when they get to the Estados Unidos. LOL
Great update and great pics. So EJ, how you holdiing up kiddo? Just so you know, I miss you, even if nobody else here does. I'm teasing you baby, you know everyone here misses you too. Besides, I'm getting bored not having you here to pick on.
And Nater Potater....how you doing buddy? It sounds like you doing ok. Do me a favor, keep Tia Jeanie on her toes and make sure she eats something that gives her the runs while she's there. Don't you want her to get the full experience of being there? He, he.
Beth, I have to admit, Uncle Bud had a good request. If you could bring the kids back a few coins too. They would really think that's cool.
We're all counting down the days too and are so excited to see all of you. We'll say some prayers that you get the rest of the paperwork tomorrow and things progress quickly. We love you and have a good day.
Happy Cinco De Mio,
Okay there better be some hugs and kisses left when you get back to the states. The pictures are absolutely great. It is beautiful here today. Hope you have a better weather day. The little stinkers will be over later this afternoon , and i can't wait to see them. i'll give them some lovin for you Jeanie. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.Bunches of love, hugs, and kisses, MIMI
Happy Cinco De Mio,
Okay there better be some hugs and kisses left when you get back to the states. The pictures are absolutely great. It is beautiful here today. Hope you have a better weather day. The little stinkers will be over later this afternoon , and i can't wait to see them. i'll give them some lovin for you Jeanie. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.Bunches of love, hugs, and kisses, MIMI
A taste of home...what a blessing to have family get to experience a bit of your adventure! How fun!
Looks like the kids took on to Tia Jeanie right away! I pray that things go quickly and you make it home by the end of the week!
Yesterday marked our 11 months as a family! Time will fly by for you guys, too! I can't wait to be reading your blog this time next year and learn how the kids have rocked your world! How in love with them all of you are...How much they've grown and more...wow, writing all this, I guess- gives me something to blog about! Haha...I'm rambling! But thanks for letting us follow along with your journey! Have a great day!
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