All evening yesterday Joaquin gave the sweetest kisses and hugs. Normally he loves on you but he is so rough. But last evening he was so gentle and loving and just kept looking at me. I think he started realizing that we are not leaving him, and if finding out what “love” is. I think he is feeling things he hasn’t felt before, and although not old enough to realize it, he is starting to fall in love with his family.
Jessica spent some time yesterday afternoon showing me and Lucrecia the book La Maria gave to us. There are several photos and Jessica has seen me look at it several times, but never showed any interest in telling me who folks were, and I didn’t ask. But yesterday I think after everything sinking in that we are leaving soon, she was excited to tell me all of her friends names and a little about each picture. I pulled out the items we have for La Maria and told her it was all from her and Joaquin to their amigos at La Maria. We are sending almost all of the toys we brought, Bingo, Bi-Lingual Memory, Beach Balls, UNO, etc. Along with the candy Tia Jeanie and Tia Jo bought for them to give their friends.
Today we all slept in a bit, which was a great gift to me. I didn’t get out of bed till 7:45 which felt great. It was a beautiful day, sunny and blue skies. When we went to breakfast Zuetana had a card made for each the moms. Jessica and Joaquin are the only ones old enough here understand what Mother’s Day is, so they explained why today was special and had them give me a kiss and a hug. After breakfast I went ahead and packed everything I could and got things organized while the kids played. It feels good seeing things packed and ready to go. I also go the kids backpacks loaded and ready for the visit to the embassy tomorrow. Lucia called this evening and said she would pick us up at 8:30 or 9:00 tomorrow.
This is Joaquin the morning as I was telling him to get dressed so we could go eat. He loves to salute me and say "Si senora mama!"
Joaquin thought it would be fun to race me to the door today. When he beat me he hurried and put the chain on, peaked his head out and said "HA HA!". Luckily he let me right in after I took his pic
These are just the flowers in our room, Jessica wanted a pic with them
After lunch we took a long walk. Not exactly what the kids wanted to do, but they survived. Near the end I took them to McDonalds for a sundae, which they thought was really cool. There is a play land there so I let them play a bit. Just about the time we were going to leave, a McDonald’s employee came in with face paint and painted the kids faces. We stayed out for a good 2 hours, so it helped to break up the day. I decided to go through Jessica’s hair and look for eggs. The stuff we used kills the eggs and we we used 4 of them, so surely none were alive, but it feels better to have all eggs out of her hair. She sat still playing her DS for about an hour while I searched her head. She is clean of all lice and eggs at this point, shew!
So last night I was getting onto myself for having rough day and began to remind myself of all I have to be thankful for. I have 4 wonderful children each with so much to offer. God has trusted us and given us 4 jewels to care for and to raise. It is with great responsibility that we have accepted parenthood. We have tried with Emi and Nate and will do so with Jess and Joaquin to find their strengths and to help them to identify their strenghts and to use their talents as God would have them to be used. To teach them to be good at heart and to yearn to help and show love to others. It is our job to help them realize their weaknesses and build on them and work with others to make themselves better people. It is our responsibility to teach them the importance of education and the ways of society. To help them in their walk with God and to be able to let their light shine in their everyday lives to those around them. To be proud of who God made them, to understand love and to enjoy being loved are all a part of what we must help them to learn. I am so thankful that God has given me great children willing and able to learn and grow and love with great depth. He has made our job easy as parents by giving us such shining jewels to work with. But even so I must pray daily that He helps me to help my children, to understand their hurts and to rejoice with them in their joy and accomplishments. Becoming a parent is so much more than just loving a child, it’s watching their moves and helping them to build on their personalities. It’s the job of a psychologist, a nurse, a counselor, a pastor, a friend, a teacher, a discipliner, and so much more. But most of all God gives you this special gift as a mother to love unconditionally. It happens naturally when you give birth, but I tell you, when God has ordained your children to be yours through adoption He gives you the same abundance of love and in unconditional form.
"We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life. But those who make their journey home across time & miles, growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands." ~Kristi Larson I love this and know first hand how true it is. I’ve said it before, but I will say it again. I can’t imagine my life without Jessica and Joaquin just as I can’t imagine my life without my biological children Emilee and Nate.
Jessica and Joaquin are just as amazing as Emi and Nate, just as lively as all the Hollis’ boys, just as sweet and fun as Maddie and Annslee, and just as beautiful and sensitive as Bailey and Brandon. I know you have fallen in love with them as you have watched our journey unfold here in Colombia, but I tell you to bring Kleenex to the airport. When you meet them in person and get your hands on them you are going to melt. Just ask Tia Jeanie. I really think that part of my problem yesterday, other than being home sick, is to think about two great kid who have lived 5 and 7 years without a mother’s love and without someone to tell them how great they are and to help them to see within themselves just how much they have to offer to everyone around them. I absolutely can’t wait for you to meet them. At this point in the day, I think I am more excited about you all meeting them than I am excited to get back home. They are just that great!
Oh and Dad, warm up the motorcycle. They are already arguing over who gets to ride first. Actually, when I showed them the video of your house, I got the motorcycle too. As soon as they saw it they began to argue over who the motorcycle belonged to. Jessica said it was hers, but Joaquin was pretty sure it was his. I told them it was Abuelo Papa’s but that you would share.
Okay so I thought I would take the camera to lunch today and give you a photo sequence of what meal time is like with Joaquin. From the way I was sitting not all the pics are great, but it’s enough to give you an idea of what I deal with at meal time. He’s a hoot, I’m warning ya!
Ok, here we go...So first you have to swim to the table!
"Is this how you use this thing Mama?" Once he makes it to the table he has to find some way to be silly.
He loves knives. Normally as soon as we sit down I take his. Today I forgot, but don't worry, I got it from him before his head started to bleed.
Yes, he's upside down on the chair. At least 5 times each meal he drops something so he has to pick it up. This is one of his favorite meal time positions, then he asks for help to get up because he knows he is not allowed out of his seat.
"So if I don't use my hands and I take a bite, this will fall on the floor and I can go upside down again to pick it up."
In the middle of each meal he asks to give hugs and kisses. When he's done he laughs. He knows...who can resist a kiss from that face. Just another successful tactic to procrastinate and get out of taking a bite.
One of his favorites. "Maybe if I hide my face under the table cloth she won't make me eat.
At every meal the boy asks to go to the bathroom. We make him go just before we sit down, but it never fails, he asks to go again. I would say no, but the people around me would probably think I was awful not letting my kid go to the potty. So here is his "i really gotta go" face. So what do you think...does he have to go number one or number two?
There are bad guys at every meal too, so you have to keep your dukes up and be ready
A little creativity...who knew a fork could double as a straw
And of course it wouldn't be a complete meal experience if you don't have a spill. I guess that's what happens when you try to use a fork as a straw.
Finally Lucrecia came over to help me try to get him to eat, and this is what she got from him.
Lucrecia and I both gave up when he started pretending like he didn't have arms and ate his rice.
We always end our lunch with fruit, his favorite part. Joaquin loves papaya (not sure if i spelled that right), but it is the most horrible tasting fruit ever. We call it the sink cleaner fruit, I won't tell you what it really smells like.
And when he is all finished, he rubs his tummy and usually says Muy Gordo (very fat) then asks for permission to leave the table.
Now doesn't that make you wish you were here??? Smile
I would like to take a moment to make sure everyone knows this is precisely the routine with EVERY meal! And this doesn't even show the standing on the chair and falling....just expecting that someone will catch him. That should stop once he hits his head on the hardwood floor rather than the carpet!!
Hey Beth! Love the pics! Joaquin is such a character! I bet he's a hoot! Glad you enjoyed Mother's day! God has really blessed you with some awesome are a blessed mami!
Concerning the bathroom at the table...did he have to po-po? Our two oldest had to initially first we let, them and then when we got home, we tried to get them to go before, but that didn't seemed like when they ate the food activated their little systems...and then...we had to make trips to the restroom! We later found out that Tatiana had a parasite...and the food could have caused some of the frequent bathroom visits. Also, the pediatrician told us that the regular eating habits, they may not be used to and the types of food, too. That made first, I thought it was more attention seeking; I felt so dumb, the babies really needed to go!
Anyways, have fun at the Embassy manana! Is the light getting brighter? Smiles from Mississippi!
Hi Beth.
I just discovered this blog two days ago, and I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed it. I'm just sorry that I didn't find it sooner. I live in Cincinnati and I sponsor a 9 year old girl in Colombia through the Christian charity World Vision, so this has been an interesting read.
It's really great to see that Jessica and Joaquin have bonded so quickly with your family. You are really blessed to have such great children!
You have your hands full! It sounds like Joaquin is a riot to be around.
I can't wait to see Nate. He should be arriving shortly. I hope he has pictures!
Enjoy your last few days and take in all you can.
Love and Prayers,
What a lil firecracker that lil Joaquin! LOL Sounds like a handfull and a laughing stock all at the same time! I am glad that he keeps you laughing! :0)
His dinner routine was crackin me up. I am sure that as you get him home, he will conform to more "normal" behaivor and it will all be well and good.
I am glad that you had a good Mother's day! You deserve it!!! You are truely blessed to have all four of your kids in your life and I know that you cherish them every day.
I am praying for speedy paperwork and safe return home.
Thanks again Beth for your blog and all your pictures! It is great to be able to follow in your journey with you!
Much love and many prayers!
Dear Beth,
Well, this is your last Monday in Bogota, hip hip hurray. Hope all goes better than expected today. Last piece of paperwork will become processed in order for you to start heading home,alleluia. I can really feel the fullness in your heart about the children and this whole journey. How comforting it is to know that the Lord, himself, is here to help and guide you with the awesome responsibilities you have talked about in your blog. The Lord has much confidence in you and Eric to be up to the task. He will not fail you in this wonderful journey. He is pleased, I'm sure, with your open hearts and walk of faith. Okay, Joaquin , you are in for a rude awakening when you get home. Mealtime is going to change for you rather quickly I'm afraid. You are a little piece of dynamite-but we wouldn't have it any other way. Jessica we can't wait to see your sweet smile in person. What a beautiful pic of you with the flowers. Emi and Nate I hope you had a great first day back to school. I know how anxious you were to see all your friends and classmates. Eric, life is slowing returning back to normal. That's a good thing----right? Bunches of love, hugs, and kisses,, Mimi
Dear Beth,
Well, this is your last Monday in Bogota, hip hip hurray. Hope all goes better than expected today. Last piece of paperwork will become processed in order for you to start heading home,alleluia. I can really feel the fullness in your heart about the children and this whole journey. How comforting it is to know that the Lord, himself, is here to help and guide you with the awesome responsibilities you have talked about in your blog. The Lord has much confidence in you and Eric to be up to the task. He will not fail you in this wonderful journey. He is pleased, I'm sure, with your open hearts and walk of faith. Okay, Joaquin , you are in for a rude awakening when you get home. Mealtime is going to change for you rather quickly I'm afraid. You are a little piece of dynamite-but we wouldn't have it any other way. Jessica we can't wait to see your sweet smile in person. What a beautiful pic of you with the flowers. Emi and Nate I hope you had a great first day back to school. I know how anxious you were to see all your friends and classmates. Eric, life is slowing returning back to normal. That's a good thing----right? Bunches of love, hugs, and kisses,, Mimi
WOW! Thats quite a routine. And Happy mothers day to you too!! Glad you are on the final countdown and will soon be reunited with the rest of your family.
Beth - I cannot begin to tell you how excited Nate was this morning. He came straight in to the office and gave me the biggest hug. He is precious!
I was commenting on your blog pictures and Nathan said he had not seen it this morning. I pulled it up on my computer and Nate's face lit up. He enjoyed seeing the pictures of Joaquin at mealtime and shared some stories with Rachel and I. (I think Rachel missed him but she wouldn't admit it!)
Boy, is Nate ever a proud brother!
See you soon!
Sweet Beth,
Although this is my first post (in my entire life!), I have read it daily.
While reading, I felt as if I have experienced just some of the range of emotions that the family has experienced on this HUGE adventure. I have laughed, cried, shouted cheers of joy, prayed outloud, have been frustated at times, marveled at the display of human kindness/ spiritual outpouring, and even did a few "Cheryl claps".
The "Hollis Family of Six" are true gems! Thanks for allowing us the friends, family members, co-workers, classmates, teammates, fellow sign language interpreters, members of the adopted family circle, Colombians, Americans, folks from other countries, blog junkies and others to be "shined on" by your family. For that we are and will be eternally grateful!
Welcome Home in advance!
Cheryl Beatty
Praying, praying, praying. That's what I've been doing for you, for mother's day, and today. I am glad to see that they were answered and you had such a nice day! I hope everything went well at the Embassy too. You are an awesome mom, with four awesome kids! The next couple days will go fast, and soon you can share Jessica and Joaquin with everyone. It looks like you'll never need dinner entertainment at family gatherings :). Blessings to you guys!!!!!
I'm so Happy for you all! I can't wait to see you all as a family of 6!!! I love you all very much. Sorry I haven't wrote everyday, But i do read everyday....Hugs & Kisses, Jena,Troy,Mason & Blake Harston
Oh wow, that was some photojournalism with the mealtime play-by-play!!! Glad to see that you have a sense of humor about it. I think you've got a budding little stand up comedian there! Or should I say a "sit down and flip upside down" comedian? :)
From one adoptive mom to another, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to your whole family, and prayers for wonderful bonding and a smooth transition as you travel home! - Sandi
Beth, just a few more days and you'll be home! I know how ready you are...I remember those last few days running around like crazy but wanting to already be gone home!
About the bathroom visits at mealtimes... our two older ones still go running off immediately following the meal. It's tapered off a bit and doesn't happen as much as it use to. Rick and I grew accustomed to it & we just look at each other and say, "What goes in must come out!" followed by a little giggle. I think it had something to do with their systems not being use to our our eating habits and foods.
We are working with Fabian on using a little discretion regarding having to go to the bathroom. When the urge comes over the boy he breaks out into a full run through the house yelling "Poo Poo!" over and over until he makes it into the bathroom. He's 10 years old and too old for that behavior, in my opinion. I keep reminding him that next year he may attend the public school and he can't act in that manner. We're also trying to teach him to not wait to the last minute.
Praying for a fast few days and for relaxation to come soon!
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