So this morning we decided to take the girls to get their hair fixed at the same place I had taken the boys last week. As soon as we walked in it seemed they were fighting for who got to do Emilee’s hair, they just love the redheads. The girls looked at some pics to decide just how they wanted their hair done. They also asked if the girls wanted their hair cut and Emi said no but Jessica said she wanted her bangs cut. We double checked to be sure we all were understanding right and sure enough she wanted them cut. I was kind of glad. As they started to do Jessica’s hair they told me she had lice. We noticed she had been scratching but she doesn’t rinse her hair well so we thought it was the shampoo. I had checked her head a few times looking for the white eggs, but never saw anything. Apparently it’s not too bad, but she has started with lice. They were still willing to do her hair, which I was surprised. As soon as we left we went to the drug store to buy some treatments. I bought enough for all of us. Lice is so common here so every drug store has treatment kits that are very potent and you only need to apply it once. We came back and told the staff at Zuetana so they could be aware and change our sheets and pillows etc. We are waiting until tonight to treat our heads, we hated to take the girls hair down so soon after just having it done. Aunt Jeanie treated the girls to the hair adventure. It was only about 12 for each of them, not bad at all.
The sparkles are glitter not
We came back and Tia Jeanie played puzzles with Joaquin and Nate while Jessica and Emilee played on the computer before we ate lunch. Lunch was pretty good and so was dinner last night. Jeanie made a comment that so far so good as far as the food goes here at Zuetana. Nate’s told her “You just have beginner’s luck!”
It’s sprinkled off and on all morning so we grabbed some umbrellas and took off to make a few stops and get out of the house for a bit. Any little bit out helps to break up the long afternoons here. So we stopped at the Juan Valdez shop just around the corner, but it was closed, I didn’t even think about the possibility of Juan Valdez being closed. Then we walked down to Maku and it too was closed. Shucks! We definitely didn’t want to go back to the casa yet so we decided to walk to a different Juan Valdez to see if it was open. Luckily it was, so we got a few drinks and looked around the shop to kill some time. We then took the long way home just to stay out and get some fresh air. Almost everything was closed so there wasn’t much else to do. Plus they cleaned the carpets in the main house at Zuetana so we had to keep the kids in out all afternoon. It’s tough to keep the kids in our casa for any length of time, so when we got back we put a movie in. to help pacify them.
We saw a lady who had built herself a shelter on her cart out of cardboard, and a little boy begging for money as well as a family outside of a store with her kids begging, as well as the garbage pickers. It breaks your heart, especially to know that Jessica and Joaquin came from that very situation. Every time I see kids on the streets I envision Jessica and Joaquin at a young age doing the same thing, it kills me.
Poor Jeanie has had to deal with the rainy weather here. It’s been more rainy the last few days than it has been our whole trip. She’s been a good sport, she’s just glad to be here with the kids and I, but I want her to be able to experience some of the life and culture here.
Jessica has been great for the last 3 days, no being ugly, no fussing, no whining. So she earned her DS and has had fun figuring it out.
I am sending this post early because tonight is going to be hectic treating everyone’s heads before they get a shower and trying to visit everyone on the webcams.
Love to all of you! Pray we get the birth certificates back tmw so we can get things going and get home!!! Today marks day 25.
These were balloons on sticks that Joaquin put together to make weights. So here he is lifting his balloon weights.
25 days! Wow I am sure you guys are already to come home. I am praying for fast paperwork. The kids look so good. I can see a diff. in pictures from first few days. They look happy and at peace. God BLESS You!
Jan in Alaska
Lots of luck with the lice. The most important part is to be sure all the nits (eggs) are gone. The shampoo does not always kill all of the eggs. If one hatches, you start all over. Hence, the saying "nit picker." :)
Your pictures sure look like Aunt Jeanie is well loved! I think Joaquin has found a new friend. He sure looks like a cuddly little guy!
Emi and Jessica - you two look absolutely beautiful with your hair done. You are both so pretty, I didn't know it was possible to get any prettier, but you did!
I hope your paperwork comes soon so you can get home, but at the same time, I hope Jeanie has a day or two of nice weather so she can see the sights.
I am so glad the children have been well behaved the last few days. I'm sure that is a huge relief for you. By the way, are you feeling better?
Keeping you in our prayers,
Love the girls hair-dos! I wish I were that creative with Tatiana!
Just a few more days!!!
Great photos! I am really enjoying your journey in Colombia! Your new family just looks so natural together! Like it was meant to be from the beginning of time...wink! :) Just a minor note, but Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican celebration of a war won from the French, so Colombian's won't celebrate that holiday. Keep up the great posts! I am continuing to keep you in my prayers!
Emi and Jessica - Your hair do's were awesome looking!! I love the way they put them up for you!
I am so glad that all of you are getting along and playing well together.
Jessica - Great job being good and earning your DS. Keep up the good work! :0)
Nate - You are a good big brother! I love how you are always playing with Joaquin. The pics are great.
Joaquin - You are too funny buddy! It must have been tough liftin your balloon weights! haha!
Beth and Jeanie - I hope that y'all get rid of that lice. Bummer bout the bugs. I also hope that you get a few days of some sunshine before you come back home so that Jeanie can get around to some places before y'all have to come home.
It looks like everyone is getting along much better and are having so much fun!
The pics are great too! Thanks for sharing and I hope your birth certificates come in tmr.
Love and Prayers!!
Has it really been 25 days?! Somehow I am a week off. I'm praying it all gets done quickly, and you can have some nice times there with Tia Jeanie. I am so so jealous of you all at Juan Valdez.
I'm so glad the kids are doing well, they're hanging in there, it's been a long time! Only a few more days, and home sweet home. And, as others have said, good luck with the lice, not such a fun thing.
Hey guys....listen, if you don't take care of the lice by the end of the week, you can all just stick it out another week there! We didn't really want Aunt Jeanie to come back that soon anyway! You should've taken her with you the whole time. Just Kidding!
So girls, I love the hair pics. They are so cool. MiMi will have to learn how to do those although I'd be careful letting her try may end up with cornrows in your hair and we'll have to call you Shaniqua and Shaunene or something. YIKES! :-0
Nate, I'm thinking Joaquin can outlift you on the balloon weights cuz he was putting up some serious hot air! I really think you've met your match!
I'm so excited to see all of you and I can't wait to smother you in hugs and kisses. Enjoy the rest of your week and we'll keep praying the paperwork all comes back today.
Love ya all....Uncle Brian
WOW,what great hairdos and you might even get to go back. Looks like so much fun. The pics with Jeanie are so good,please get some of Beth with the four rascals. Hope today brings good news and terrific weather. Jessica and Joaquin do your best at the English lesson today. G.Ross says you need to catch on quick for his sake. He said no way is he learning Spanish. Emi and Nate have you played the card game War with J & J yet. That might be a good one to try and a good learning aid. Talk at all of you later. Bunches of love,hugs and kisses. Mimi
How wonderful that Aunt Jeanie is there to witness the lice epidemic. That's quite a welcome! LOL :-D Just glad that the salon caught it so you can get it under control. Good luck on all of that! I'm praying to hear that birth certificates come back today. I can only imagine how ready you are to get back home to family and friends. And let's hope Aunt Jeanie gets to witness a nice day before you all have to leave. However, it looks like she's having a great time with the kids, especially Joaquin. He seems quite smitten with her. Take care!
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