Joaquin woke up and the first thing he said is “Donde mi todo familia” (where is everyone). I reminded him that Tia Jeanie took Emi and Nate on the airplane and that we would be going on Wednesday. He quickly ran to Jessica’s bed to see if she was still there, then he was fine and gave me a big hug. A little later he saw I was logging on the computer and put on the webcam, he came running over and asked to talk to Nate. Of course it made me cry.
I let them watch a TV this morning while I went through all of our paperwork to be sure it was all organized and together for Monday. There are a few things you can’t fill in until you get their passports, so I went through each line to be sure I had everything filled in. The kids were really good this morning while I was going through everything. Shew!
Here they are dancing on the bed this morning.
Then we took some time to look at the videos of home again. They really enjoyed seeing the animals and the house. We hadn’t showed them Mimi and Papa’s house yet, so I showed them today. They kept saying “Muy Grande!”, implying they had a big house.
Joaquin couldn't get his fingers working to show the I love you sign, but Jess has it down.
After lunch we took of to the grocery store to pick up a few items, munchies, for the plane ride. We don’t have much time in Atlanta, if we make our connection flight, so we may not get lunch. The munchies may be a need not a want. Jess and Joaquin were great and very well behaved the whole trip, which really wasn’t that long, but it reminds me of how far they have come.
When Emi and Nate were here every time we would go out and come back Emilee was in charge of ringing the buzzer for the front desk to let us in. Jessica was so excited when we got back from the store that she could be the one to ring the buzzer. She deliberated for an entire block if she should say the “Hollis Familia” or Jessica, Joaquin and Mama.” Joaquin was more into saying hello to everyone we passed, so he could have cared less that he wasn’t the one pushing the buzzer.
I was off and on in tears today, I’m not really sure why. I should really be enjoying my time with just Jess and Joaquin, which I am, but for some reason I am terribly lonely and just ready to come home. I feel horrible for being in tears, but there’s nothing I can do. I hope a good night sleep kicks me in the butt and I am better tomorrow.
I had a chance to talk to Eric for a good 45 minutes today and the kids were excellent. He was getting himself ready to go pick up Emi and Nate from the airport so it was nice to be a little part of home. He even asked me which shoes he should wear. I know he knew, but was trying to make me feel like I was back home and get me to stop crying. Whenever we talk to Eric in the evenings the kids hog the webcam until it’s time to get them to bed, so I haven’t really had a chance to talk to him since he’s been home. He showed me the flowers outside and around the house. It was nice to see what is in reach and after talking to him the tears finally stopped, at least until now. For some reason I am dreading going to bed. I don’t know what my problem is.
Our home is going to be so different when I get home with my little latinos. I absolutely can’t wait for our families to meet them in person, they are in for such a treat. I can only imagine how much they are going to thrive with all the love they have waiting on them in the states.
As soon as Lucrecia came to work today she came into see if I was doing okay. I love this woman. Then around 5 she came in to see if Jeanie, Emi and Nate had made it home okay. She saw I was talking to Eric on the webcam and I had her say hello. She was glad to hear they made their flights. She knew they were on stand by.
Joaquin and Jessica were so good today, we had a lot of fun together. I think they like all the attention and for Jessica she didn’t feel she had to compete with Emilee. I did let her do a few things today that normally Emi would do, like pour our water in our glasses at meal time. She thought she was big stuff.
Joaquin took a nap today, on accident. He fell asleep while watching TV this evening while I was on the webcam with Eric. Hopefully he goes to sleep tonight. But when he woke up he was calm and sleepy and sat on my lap for a long time. He never sits still long enough to sit on your lap for long, so I ate it up.
Okay, one last note. Jeanie, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Just for being here for that week was so nice and to be able to send Emi and Nate home with you was a relief. It’s great to have such a wonderful family willing be there when you need them and to be able to send off my kids with my sister without any worries at all is something not everyone can have. Jeanie thinks of my kids like they are her own. I appreciate you more than you know.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms reading. For those of you who this is your first Mother’s Day, Congratulations, Motherhood is a beautiful thing as you all have learned. To those of you who are mothers at heart and waiting for your referral, enjoy your day too because your lives will be turned upside down once you have your little one(s) with you. One of the best things here is watching the first time parents with their little one(s), they are beaming and loving every moment…your day is coming.
Jess wanted to take my pic saying I Love You. So here it is, Happy Mother's Day, I Love and Miss You All!
Oh and one last prayer request. My friend Peggy who has adopted Sofia is here in Colombia with me. She met Sofia the same day we met Jess and Joaquin, so she has been here for 4 weeks. She has still not recieved sentencia. Her court has a new judge and he still has not signed off on her paperwork. She is missing her two boys at home terribly, she has been away from them for 4 weeks. She is going to miss not only mother's day with them but also her son's 16th birthday. You can imagine how hard it has been for her. Please pray she gets word first thing Monday and can get home ASAP!!
That's terrific! We use the I Love You sign all the time in our family. I don't think either one of our kids have been in any kind of a play, or program, or sporting event EVER where they didn't shoot an I Love You sign to us and wait expectantly until we returned the sign.
I'm praying for you. I don't have the words to make things all better but He knows how to do it, so I'll ask Him for a little help here! Sending lots of hugs your way.
Peace and blessings!
Hey Beth - Happy Mother's Day! You'll get to celebrate twice - once in Colombia & again when you get home.
I was there 4 weeks - I remember longing to be home. I enjoyed Monteria & Bogota, but just looked forward to being home. Now that I'm home, I want to go back! :-) I hope to go back in a few years- it really is a great place - it's just not home!
I will pray that everything else goes smoothly & you guys get on your plane. It won't be long before your whole family is together at home!
I've been reading your blog and praying for you the last several weeks. I'm praying that things go smoothly these last few days so your family can be all in one place again. Thanks for sharing your story.
Your blogs have been great. Chloe and I have been reading every Saturday catching up on what has happened the week before. We have laughed and cried and felt your joy together. Chloe can relate to Nate & Emi - and wants them to know that many of their tales sound much like what she has put up with being BIG sis to Aud & Tuck.
Your tears today reminded me a lot of those feelings you get right after you have a new baby. I still think of those days right after Chloe came and know it was those thoughts and tears were what made me a mom not just having a baby.
Well good luck with the rest of the stay. We will continue to keep you in our hearts and prayers.
Hope you have a beautiful Mother's Day!
Vicki & Chloe ( Ryan, Audrey & Tucker, too)
Here's to a brighter day tomorrow. Isn't it amazing how wonderful kids can be when they see that a parent is struggling. The compassion in Joaquin and Jessica is definitely something to celebrate! I know it must be lonely. This trip has been such a roller coaster for you. First, you arrived as family of four, to be changed to a family of six, then Eric left making which was difficult. Only to be followed by the uplift of Jeanie getting there. Then, leading to today when Emi, Nate and Jeanie went to the place you are longing for. The emotions must be tough. Hang in there, Beth. The good news is that you see the light at the end unlike Peggy who is still swimming through the murky water. Bless you and have a wonderful Mother's Day with the two who give it a whole new meaning!
OK, well we made it back safe and sound! Emi & Nate were great and a big help as always in these situations. They were MORE than ready to be home and see the rest of the family. They were practically running off of the plane before it touched down, and we went straight to El Mariachi....of course! I miss you guys so much already, and Wednesday can't come soon enough. I'm so glad I got to see Jess & Joaquin tonight before bedtime....I miss their big beautiful smiles in person....they have such a way about them that shows so much happiness and love. I know this isn't my blog, but I if you turn this into a book for them someday, I'd like to add a glimpse of my perception of this past week. Jessica is such a true sweetheart. She became my niece and friend instantly without any hesitation whatsoever. The first morning she woke up and saw I was there, she smiled so big and came right over with an open hug and kiss. From that point, I was hooked on those hugs and kisses. Then this morning before I left with Emi & Nate, she woke up and said 'Hola, Tia. Te Queiro, mucho, mucho, mucho'. Then made sure I knew I would be talking to her on the computer tonight. After that, I re-explained to her that Emi, Nate, and I were going to the US, and we would see her there on Wednesday. She understood and was perfectly fine with that. She gave me a few more kisses, hugs, and te quieros, then went right back to sleep. Now there's little muchacho loco! WOW! He is a handful, but just like Jess, he came right to me the first morning with a huge beso y abrazo. He was also sure to bring me the picture book to show me that I was Tia Jeanie! His smile can also light up a well as get himself out of trouble sometimes! He is such a little squirt with such a huge personality. In fact, we changed the words to 'La Cucaracha' to 'Muchacho loco, muchacho loco, Joaquin es muy loco' and on and on. In fact, he even sings it with me about himself and just laughs. The boy is a riot, but so lovable.
Emi & Nate - Good luck, kiddos. Keep your heads up and remember the talks we had. It's going to be a tough road ahead for a while, but you're the ones chosen to be J&Js role models, so you've got to remember what an important role you play in all of this. Trust your Mom & Dad even when you don't always agree. I'm counting on you guys! I had a blast with you this week!
Beth - Thanks so much for letting me come down to be a part of all of this! I am so happy to have had the chance to see their homeland and experience their culture. I was more than happy to help....even though it wasn't much and didn't quite go as we planned. The week went so fast it seemed like only a day or two, but so many memories were made that I'll be able to cherish for a lifetime. I pray for a quick few days and quick, safe flights back home. Miercoles can't come fast enough! Happy Mother's Day and I love you.
Te quiero (a toda la familia),
Tia Jeanie
Peggy - It was great to meet you and sweet Sofia....what a cutie! Our prayers are with you both for a speedy trip back to the States! Good luck!
Well as I sit here in tears from your blog today...I am so glad that you have such an AWESOME family that you can count on! I think that Traci hit it right on the head when she said that you have been on an emotional rollercoaster. You have been through so much and are still plugging along. I know it seems like forever but you have less than a week left...four days really! You will be home in no time at all now!
I am so proud of all of your kids today! Emi and Nate have been such great troopers throughout this entire experience. And Jessica and Joaquin were so good today! I am so glad that they behaved themselves today. It is nice to know and see how much they have grown and experienced in the few weeks that you have had them with you!
I pray that tmr is a great day for you with Jess and Joaquin. Enjoy every minute with them tmr. For when Wednesday comes, you will be coming home and be a complete family of six!
Jeanie - Thank you for everything that you have done this last week. I know that it has taken a huge load off of Beth's shoulders to have you there. For support as a friend and as a sister!
Beth - You are awesome! I can't wait for you to make it home! I am praying for everything to go smoothly until you can make it home! We all miss you and are so excited for you to make it back.
Peggy and Sofia - I hope you get everything in order soon also. I know that being away from your family for so long must be rough. Just know that it is all in His plan and you will be home soon enough with lil Sofia too. She sounds like a doll!
You all are in my prayers!!
Have a Great Mother's Day!!!
Love and Prayers!!!
So glad to hear the kids are home safe and sound. Thank you so much for your kindness and prayers. You are the best.
Happy Mother's Day,Beth,
Today is very special for you and for me. For you because you have four of the most beautiful children in the world. These children are so fortunate to have you as their mother,and a godly one at that. The Lord has truly been your guide and inspiration. Those are wonderful attributes that you are living before them. It's a good thing when they can see your strenghts as well as your fragility. They then can see the true work of Christ in you. I am so very proud to be your Mom. For me today is special because of you,Beth, and you brother and sister. You three have given me quite a ride. There are things in life I never would have been blessed to experience, if it weren't for the three of you. Even the rough times , God used for our good. How much more can a mom ask for than to see that her children have become better parents than she ever was . I wasn't all that bad, but I have learned a lot more about parenting from watching you with your children than I ever knew. To my three blessed miracles, Brian, Beth and Jeanie , I thank you for the adventure of a lifetime in being you Mom..... Today is your day , Beth , to enjoy with your precious new jewels. Love every moment of it. Bunches of love, hugs, and kisses to my sweet Beth, Love, Mom
Many prayers for Peggy and Sofia. Hopefully, it will soon be their turn and they will soon be back with their family.
Wow - Jessica and Joaquin are really growing up quickly. It sounds like Jessica is taking charge of the little things since Jeanie, Emi and Nate are not there. She can sense that you need strength right now. What a great Mother's Day gift, to have such loving children!
Beth, I am praying for you. Keep up your strength! If you begin to feel a little down, just take a look at Joaquin. From the way you describe him and from his pictures, he should be able to brighten anyone's day!
Enjoy all the hugs and kisses from Jessica and Joaquin while you have them to yourselves. Soon, you will have to share them with your family. How blessed you are to have such a loving family!
Happy Mother's Day Beth!
Love and Prayers,
I am so sorry you are so far from home this mothers day and sounds like you are having a rough time. I think your emotional are in overload and with being away from home sending you sis emi and nate off and being away for Mother's Day.. i am sure it is taking a toll.
My heart sank and I had to hold the tears back all the way through the post so I could read it.
I hope your last few days are good for you and things move fast so you too can come home.
Still praying for you and thanks for your kind words on Mother's Day. You are a blessing and a pure example of a Godly mother.. I think of the Proverbs women..
Love and big hugs to you!!
The Potter Family
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