Emilee woke up this morning and couldn’t wait to start packing. She was almost completely packed before breakfast. She and Nate can hardly wait to get on the plane tomorrow.
We spent part of the morning packing up Jeanie, Nate and Emi. We got the call that both birth certificates were in and David would be over to pick us up to take us to the passport office. When David came we all piled in his car and off we went with David and Andres. Andres drove and parked the car, while David worked his magic and interpreted for us. First of all wherever I got the info from that the passport office was closed on Fridays, it was wrong. The place was packed out. We went in and David went straight to the front of the line at the first desk and filled out the papers we needed to proceed. Then he sent us to a short line off to the side to pay. After that he marched us right to the front of the line in front of about 80 people and whispered, “I’m about to tick off about 70 or 80 people, but don’t worry.” He is so funny, but boy do they have connections. So instead of waiting for hours, we were in and out in a half hour. He went to the front of the line and then told the people behind us that “I” needed to go next, then he marched right to an open window and motioned for me to come with him. I was cracking up inside, he is a hoot. I’m sure the people who had been waiting forever were not too happy, but no one was going to questions David, he knew just what he was doing.
Jessica and Joaquin were very proud of their Colombian Passports!
On the way back to the house, David confirmed with Lucia a time to take us to the Embassy Doctor. He said Andres would pick us up at 2:30 and our appt would be at 3. Note to those of you getting ready to travel. Andres is always on time and David is always about 15 minutes late, but both are awesome!! So I got our paperwork together so we would be ready to go when Andres arrived. Emi and Nate stayed at Zuetana while we went to the doctor. We had to go in a taxi with Andres, and they wouldn’t take all of us. We were told it could take hours at the doctor but we were in and out in an hour. When we got there Andres checked us in and they called our name in less than 5 minutes. The doctor was a very nice gentleman, but the physical check took about 2 min per kid. It took him a lot longer to type all the info in the system and print our out paperwork. Jessica and Joaquin are not shy at all and the doc was getting a kick out of them. He told us we had our hands full. Jessica was interrogating him, our favorite question she asked him was “who is your boss?” He started laughing and said “Uncle Sam, but I probably shouldn’t say that.” It is so funny to watch Jessica and Joaquin, they are so inquisitive about everything. Every place we go is a new experience to them. The grocery store has been their biggest awe yet. I don’t think they had ever seen a scanner and cash register in person. So I digress…anyway, the doc was getting all the paperwork together and then asked me for a passport size photo. I totally missed that in our travel guide and left them in the safe at the house. CRAP! He was so very nice and said to just bring them back and he would finish everything for us. So we left, told Andres, who was also very kind. I apologized for him having to run us home and then back to the doc, but he was so sweet about it. Once we took the photos back, the doc finished the paperwork in less than 5 min and put it all in a sealed envelope that we have to give to the visa office, still sealed. I then paid him. The funny part about this was that when I paid him, he pulled out his wallet and put it right in. I wanted to laugh, but obviously I didn’t.
We made two trips to the doc and were still back home by 4:45, so not so shabby. I was really glad to have both the passport and the doctor visit complete in one day and while Jeanie was with me. It’s not that I couldn’t do it by myself, but it was very nice to have her with me. Just less stress over all.
So now on Monday I will go the VISA office to apply for the visas. They say you will be at the visa office 2 to 4 hours. So I will be packing a backpack for each of the kids to keep them busy. But, you can no longer get them the same day, you have to pick them up the following day. I will pick up the visas on Tuesday. So we will be returning to the states on Wed evening. If we make all our flights we will be in at 6:45 on Wed evening.
Jeanie and I wanted to make one more trip to Maku, so off we all went before dinner. This may have been the fastest day I’ve had here yet. We also stopped at Juan Valdez to see if they had gift cards. We wanted to get Lucrecia one. It was funny when Jeanie asked the workers at Juan Valdez about gift cards, they looked at her like she had 2 heads. As common as gift cards are in the US, it was odd they had never heard of such a thing.
After dinner Lucrecia came in our room to give Emi and Nate a hug and a kiss on the forehead, she started crying and was quite surprised at herself. She hugged Jeanie and had us all crying. She brought Jeanie and the kids some apples and bananas for the flight and long day ahead of them for their carry on luggage.
We finalized all the packing and Jeanie insisted she leave me with only two suitcases. Everything we have left here will fit pretty easily in 2 suitcases, but that leaves Jeanie with 6. She is worried about me with too much luggage and trying to hang onto 2 little latinos, who are not at all shy or afraid of strangers in the airports. We ended up being able to put one suitcase in another for her, and Emi and Nate will be a big help with luggage, but I still feel awful sending her with so much.
Joaquin and Jessica are really excited to be coming home and it’s nice to be able to finally tell them what day they will be flying. We can actually start counting down. They have been good but at times a little trying. I know they understand but yet there is so much unknown for them that you have to expect they will act up a little. But over all they are doing great!
Okay, well it’s late and we will be getting up early. Andres will be here at 6 to pick up part of the gang here. Thanks again for everyone’s love and prayers.
Oh and dad, you are going to love watching Jess and Joaquin eating hot wings (they probably will not want them hot…but). We have had chicken legs here a few times and that’s what we had tonight. I wish I had my camera on. They eat everything down to the bone. Tonight Jessica even started to eat the bone, I had to make her stop and hand it to me.
I didn’t have my camera on today at all, so these are the only pics we got, which we took this evening.
I have been catching up on your posts and am so excited that you are finally getting to come home! Sounds like the Lord has blessed all your paperwork and you are soon to set your eyes upon home! I am thrilled for you and your gorgeous family! I will be praying for traveling mercies and a smooth flight! I wish i lived in Ohio so I could meet you at the airport and see these famous children that i have gotten to know so well (i think) through your posts! Keep up the blogging when you get home! God Bless you all!
Hey Beth! Glad your appt at the Embassy doc went well. Our kids were off the walls there...he was trying to get us in and out! They played in his bathroom...I was so disconfobulated (if that's a word) I left a dirty diaper on his sink! (It was a small bathroom.)
We found that once we arrived in Atlanta the kids clung to us. We were all they knew in the English speaking environment. Now, they have the advantage, but when you get home things will be different.
Also, Andrew and Tatiana would leave NO evidence behind when they were given a chicken leg. At first, we were so amazed and laughed, but then we realized--they ate whatever they had, and they didn't have much before they were in our care. How terribly sad! We would try to catch them before they got to the bone part of the chicken, but sometimes they ate it out of habit anyways. Our pediatrician who is from South America said that this wasn't normal, that it was a sign of the level of poverty they lived in. Now, when they eat chicken, you will often hear Andrew say, "Mami, no eat bone." It is cute!
Definitely pack that book bag! That was another adventure! Andres, I'm sure thought we were totally unqualified parents as our kids threw tantrums in the middle of the floor. The people are really nice, though. You may want to take some snacks too. B/c you never know how long the wait will be. Oh, I hope you get to fly home on Wednesday! Praying for you sister!
I am so excited that your day was very eventful and all of your paperwork went through fast and well!!! It is great that you will ALL be home on Wed!!! I can't wait!!
Jeanie, Emi, and Nate - I hope that your flight gets you home safe and sound! I think that it is awesome that you took most of the luggage for Beth, so she doesn't have to worry about it and Jessica and Joaquin! How thoughtful! I will be praying for a safe and speedy return!
Beth - that is a great pic of you and all the kids! The pic of Jessica and Joaquin was adorable too!
It is funny that they don't have gift cards there. Maybe something that we all take for granted?! Even if it is something small...but a token of appreciation.
I hope that you have a non-stressful weekend and few days until you can make it home with Jessica and Joaquin too. I will be praying for Jeanie, Emi, and Nate to make it home safe. I know that they are stoked to be coming home! SO until you can do the same...enjoy the time alone with the kids and you will remain in my prayers!
Love and Prayers!!
I am so glad to hear you got all that done, especially while Jeanie was with you.
Prayers for speedy and safe travels for Emi, Nate and Jeanie.
Maybe since there were no gift cards - you could help Jessica and Joaquin could make Lucrecia some paper flowers and a card if you need a little "down time" on these last few days. I'm sure she would treasure it and it would help pass the time. It sounds like she is an awesome woman!
These last few days will go by so quickly and you will be home before you know it. I know the bonding time with just the 3 of you will be remembered always by your little latinos. Keep your spirits up! - they are learning by watching you. The Lord will be right there with you to guide you all the way home.
Love and Prayers,
They looks SO proud of their passports! What a great picture!
And I love the picture of you with all your children! I imagine this Mother's Day will be bittersweet since you'll finally be able to spend it with Jessica and Joaquin but Emi and Nate will be at home. You'll have to have a "re-do" next weekend with all four AND Eric! :)
We are all still praying for you every night in our family prayers before bed! I'm looking forward to hearing about your transitions at home. Another countdown is on!!
Dios te bendiga!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, the pic with you and the children by the fire is so very beautiful, love it, that made my day start off on the right foot. Oh my goodness, what a portrait of Jess and Joaquin holding their passports,that is priceless. I wish I could have been there to hear Jess ask the Doc who his boss was, what a hoot. Just goes to show you never can know what all is running through their little heads. Beth, i'm sure that was a weird sight when you paid him and he just slipped it right into his wallet. Have I asked you to extend a great big thank you to David and Andres for me ,in taking such good care of all of you , they are the best and certainly are using their God given talents to the fullest-muchos gracias. Sounds like Jess and Joaquin take after their Great Grandpa Ross. He nearly eats the bone when he eats chicken too. God you are so good, please bless our angel Lucrecia a thousand times over, for all the good care she given to our loved ones while they have been away .She has truly been heaven sent. Jeanie, honey, thank you so very much for helping your sis. I know how much it means to her and to us. Hope you and the kids have a great flight to the good ole USA. Can't wait to see all of you tonight. Em and Nate be extra helpful for Aunt Jeanie today. Good luck in Atlanta. bunches of love, hugs and kisses mimi
I am so excited to hear you guys finally have the date!!! I will pray for everything to go smooth with your flights and handling the 2 kiddos :)
I am so happy you finally know! I'm sure you wish you could be home for mother's day, but I am going to be praying for a blessed day for you in Colombia. I think you should have a full celebration next weekend!
We're praying Emi, Nate, and Jeanie have a safe trip. God bless you all!!! Almost home!
PS- The doctor is a trip. Isaac was naked for the entire exam portion, which was at least close to ten minutes. I was just waiting for him to get peed on!
I am so happy you finally know! I'm sure you wish you could be home for mother's day, but I am going to be praying for a blessed day for you in Colombia. I think you should have a full celebration next weekend!
We're praying Emi, Nate, and Jeanie have a safe trip. God bless you all!!! Almost home!
PS- The doctor is a trip. Isaac was naked for the entire exam portion, which was at least close to ten minutes. I was just waiting for him to get peed on!
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