I think everyone is starting to get a bit board with the same old stuff here at the house, the same park, ice cream and my creativity has run out. I feel really sorry for the families who are not with CHI that stay 6 to 8 weeks with school age kids. We went to the park again today with the beach balls. We decided to go to the sand pit first to change it up a bit. Then the kids and Tia Jeanie played with the beach balls for a while which was fun. On the way back we stopped at Juan Valdez so Tia Jeanie and Nate could get a coffee. It’s been great to see the real personality of Jessica coming out, she is a stinker.
So here is our funny Joaquin story of the day. Joaquin loves to stick his hind end out at us and so today we were at the park and Jeanie and I were sitting on the ground next to each other watching the kids. Joaquin comes over, turns his back to us, sticks his hind end to us and just stands there for a few seconds. Then he turns his head towards us, puts up his finger and says, “Espere!” (in English, Wait!) Once he tooted he took off running and giggling.
Then Nate was pulling Joaquin like a dead body by his feet. All the sudden Joaquin’s shoes popped off and Nate didn’t realize it, so he kept walking and apparently Nate had a hold of Joaquin’s pants too because he pulled them right off of the little guy. Joaquin thought it was so funny he wanted Nate to do it again. I told you he wasn’t shy. Imagine my little latino in the park in his tighty whities. Luckily I had the camera on and got a photo. At least we have lots of laughs with all this waiting.
Yesterday Jessica was talking about my favorite words. She said Mami’s favorite is “Knock it off!” and “No”, hmmm, not sure what that says about me. It started because we were teasing her that her favorite words were ahora (now) and Ya, sounds like ja (not sure of the spelling, but it means whatever she wants it to mean, like now, no more, already etc) Joaquin loves to say “todo la familia” (all of the family). It’s funny to hear their accent when they say words in English , I love it.
Also, Jessica tells everyone that tries to speak to us in Spanish that we speak English. Jessica and Joaquin are not shy at all with strangers, so it’s kind of funny when she announces to the world that we don’t speak Spanish. Pretty soon the shoe will be on the other foot and it won’t be so funny to her.
Instead of saying shoot or something similar, Jessica and Joaquin say “ah shhh” (or at least that’s what it sounds like). And when Joaquin toots he says, “ oof” and waves his hand in front of his nose and laughs. So today Uncle Brian sent word to Nate to teach Joaquin how to do an arm pit fart. So THANK YOU Tio Brian, Joaquin is learning the skill and thinks its hilarious. Also, Brian they call you Tio Braujan (spelled as it sounds) and Jeanie won’t let us fix the pronunciation because she thinks it’s funny.
Well there’s nothing else to do but laugh and make the best of what we have.
About 5:45 we couldn’t stand it anymore and I decided to all Lucia. The news was not good. She still doesn’t have the birth certificates and is hoping to get them tomorrow afternoon. So the best case scenario at this point according to Lucia is to fly home next Thursday. Yep that’s right, one more week, which will put us here for 5 weeks. Yes, I cried, then pulled it together. I think we are going to send Jeanie back with Emilee and Nate this weekend, Saturday. Then Jess, Joaquin and I will be home as soon as we can.
So here is the breakdown of what has to happen for us to come home. First we wait on the birth certificates. Once we have them in hand we go to the passport office to apply for the passport. But the passport office is closed on Friday. We will apply for the passports one day and go and pick them up the next morning. Once we have the passport in hand we will go for the VISAs which we will apply for in the morning and pick up later the same afternoon. The following day we will go to the Embassy doctor. Then we are free to come home. The only flight out of here for us is 9:30 in the morning each day. So if we get the birth certificates on Thursday or Friday our days will look like the following.
Saturday - Send Jeanie, Emi and Nate off with kisses and hugs
Sunday - Spend Mother’s Day with Jess and Joaquin by ourselves
Monday - Apply for Passport
Tuesday - Pick up passport and apply for the VISAs. Go back in the afternoon and pick
up the VISAs.
Wednesday - Go to the Embassy Doctor
Thursday - Fly home
Jeanie is believing for a miracle tomorrow morning, but it’s all in God’s hands. I don’t know what His plan is, but He has it under control. I will just keep believing and will know we will be home soon. It was just tough having our hopes up for coming home this weekend and now knowing we will be here another week, well, that was a tough pill to swallow.
Don’t worry, we’re keeping our chins up. We’ll be home soon!
Hang in there Beth! It will be an unforgettable Mami's Day! Make it that way! Treat yourself and love on those babies! This will be a good time for you guys to bond together, too! Chin up! You are doing an AWESOME job! Thanks for letting us tag along! God bless!
Love and Prayers
Keep the focus Beth and know that God is holding you there for a reason. He has great purpose for you and someday it'll be known exactly why. I rolled with laughter over Jess saying "Knock it off". Just like Jess, my Karen obviously picked that phrase up from me and it was one of the very first phrases she would use and oh so very cute with that strong spanish accent. They are so amazingly observant, aren't they?
Praying for you and your family!
You had me crackin up today!! Joaquin and Nate are histerical!!! Lil man is so not shy! The pic of him layin in the grass with nothin but a shirt, underwear and socks! HAHAHA
I am glad that you guys could laugh with the kids today! It is good for you during your wait!
I know this next week will be kinda emotional for you. But keep your spirits up! This is all in His plan. Maybe this is the way he planned it all along. His way of letting Emi and Nate be at home and themselves for one last weekend before you come home with Jessica and Joaquin forever. Plus, this will let you bond with Jess and Joaquin and they will be even more excited to come "home" and see the rest of the family. The family that had to come home before them.
You are ALL doing a great job and I hope the rest of your time there goes quickly and as stress free as possible!
I loved your pics today! Emi...you are a beautiful girl!! Nate...it looked like you really enjoyed Aunt Jeanies coffee! lol
Jeanie - I am glad that you can be there to help ease some of the time, and to help with all the kids! I know that Beth's mind is in 1,000 places right now. Thanks for helping her out!
Beth - You are so loved! It is all in God's plan and you will be home soon enough! Don't get your hopes up! Have a great day tmr! Enjoy the day with your kids and sister!
Love and Prayers!!
Good Morning Hollis Family,
We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless you on your continue Journey!
Love and Prayers
The Bitners :)
Beth - the time next week is all in God's hands. It will be a good time for you, Jessica and Joaquin to bond even more. It sounds like they both really have the Hollis personalities. It is fun to watch Joaquin take on Nate's personality and Jessica to become the sweetheart like Emi. Keep up the good work, Beth. Your faith and love is obvious to all who are watching.
Love and Prayers,
You may be able to pick up the Visas and do the Embassy Dr in the same day. The visa pick up is very quick, there is typically no one else there. And I would check with the Dr to see if you can get a late afternoon appointment. I'm sure he is used to that with people coming in from other areas of the country and trying to get same day appts. Its not much but it might get you home a day sooner.
Love the pictures from today! Very nice
Hola,Y'all, How do you like that combination. A little of what Nate calls Spanglish. Well, the news wasn't great, but we all no that this whole journey is more than worth it. If this is the worst that happens then we certainly are very fortunate. Whatever it takes to have these two beautiful jewels in our lives is all that matters. I was thinking about how long the wait seemed in being able to get to Bogota, in comparison this wait is a much better scenario. We will all be satisfied with God's timing and trust his plan. Look for all the blessings today, tomorrow and the next. Sometimes they are hidden the most unusual places. All of you have been so amazing and I can't even express in words how full my heart is for the great work you are all doing. Now, on a lighter note. The pics are fantastic as always. It's amazing how much personality you can experience through these pictures of everyone. Emilee,that was a great shot-now I think you should go into modeling as well. Nate, don't listen to Uncle Brian, it will only get you in trouble, ask your Mom about that! Joaquin you better start keeping your clothes on, because when i see that bare rear end it's going to get warmed up. Jessica your beauty is shining through more each day. Now , ONE MORE TIME, GET SOME PICTURES OF BETH WITH THE CHILDREN, and post them for dear ole mom. Bunches of love, hugs and kisses. Mom and Mimi
Hi Hollis family! We're thinking positive, and we plan to see you next Friday!
Mrs. Mac & Nathan's TAG class
Beth, my heart ached for you as I know you are disappointed in not getting to go home this weekend. The trip must seem a year long at this point and I'm sure it's hard to stay upbeat and positive. May God bless you with an extra dose of strength each and every day, especially once you send off Jeanie, Nate and Emi. We all know that we have to trust in God's plan--He obviously feels there is something more to be done in Bogota. Could it be experiencing Mother's Day alone with your two beauties? That may feel somewhat depressing to you knowing that you will not be with ALL of your family, but God must feel that the three of you need that time together. And maybe Emi and Nate need a last little bit with Eric. Who knows. I just feel so bad and wish there was something I could do. Too bad we have another week before we arrive. Do your best to make lemonade out of those lemons, find a way to make it an unforgettable Mother's Day (in a good, unforgettable way)and MAKE SURE to get someone to take pictures of the three of you on that day!!! I know this homecoming will be totally different from what you imagined, but it's obviously God's intentions. Finally, a verse passed on from one of our CHI sisters a few weeks ago from Matthew 6:34 that I have been LIVING BY for the past two weeks: Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
I'll continue to pray for you each day, Beth!
good morning to everyone1
Beth I am so heartbroken for you getting this news. I am lost for words to express it.
God has a plan.. it may not be clear but I pray you know what it is before you leave there. His time is not our time! we don't like to see things go unplanned but when the Masters plan is in tack and we allow him to work it.. all we can do is pray for direction, guidance and strength to get us threw.
We are praying for a fast processing and that you will be home before you know it.
I know a huge heartbreaker is the thought of having to spend Mother's Day in a strange place without family and friends.. but for some reason I feel you will be blessed beyond words.
The pics are all so great thank you again for sharing them.
the kids all are so cute and seem to be doing really good.
Again I am so happy your sis is there with you.. I am sure that takes a huge load off of your shoulders..
hope you have a great day!!
the Potter Family
I've been praying for you, and will continue to, I wanted you to be home for mother's day. I'll keep praying. Try to enjoy your time there, you will miss it when you're gone (even though that's not a thought now!).
OK - if I am not mistaken you need to go to the embassy doctor before you apply. Also if you are tenacious and somehow ready to apply by tomorrow, try! There were people down there when we were who were able to apply on Friday. They did it on their own though.
Praying, praying!!!!!!
I will have to agree with Mimi! We need some more pics of you Beth! Maybe someone can take a few with you and the your sister and all the kids before they leave! But we want some of you and the kids after they are gone too! :0)
Much love and still praying!
We are still praying like crazy here! Can't wait to hear the update to see if there's good news today!
:) smiles and hugs and prayers! :)
Dios te bendiga
Oh my, Beth...I am sure that this is not the news that you were hoping for! We will be praying that those birth certificates arrive tomorrow! As for the best case scenario and another additional week...may you see the hand of God at work in you and your childrens' lives...and may this final week provide you all with unexpected and abundant blessings!
Much Love from Pereira!
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