The lice adventure last night was just that, an adventure. Jeanie started looking at the instructions on the box, which were in Spanish, and got on the computer to translate them so after dinner we could get started with treatment. Then at dinner we asked Lucrecia if we needed fresh pillows etc. After a few minute of us talking about how to treat poor Jessica, she said she would be in at 8:30 to come help us. Lice is so common here, it’s crazy. As it ended up Lucrecia actually worked on Jessica’s hair for us and explained everything. Jeanie and I worked really hard at trying to understand as much as we could. Jessica was as good as gold through the whole thing. Jeanie and I both noted that Jessica had obviously been through lice treatments more than once, she knew the routine.
Lucrecia told Jessica of the importance of her sleeping in one bed only and being careful to not pass the lice to us. Jessica totally understood. Jessica has not slept one night in her own bed. It was a fight at the beginning for various reasons. So she slept with Emilee at the beginning, then on the sofa, then with Joaquin. (Eric are you ready for this?) Last night she slept in her bed without a fuss and tonight too. Lucrecia had told her she needs to sleep in her bed because of the lice, then a few minutes before we went to bed Jeanie reminded her and Jessica seemed fine with it. So after we gave kisses and hugs she crawled right into her bed with no problem!!! I’m telling you we have a different child. Even just today a few things came up that normally would have been a fight, tears or a fit, and none of the above happened. She shot a few dirty looks and then got over “it.” I am so very proud of her! She is such a different kid than 2 weeks ago, or even a week ago. We will have to continue to check Jessica’s head, I did a comb through again this morning, just to check and will do so several times a day for the next little bit. We found another bug today so I treated her again tonight and will do so again the next two nights I think. She has been so good about it all. Tonight she was telling me what to do, as if she has done this a thousand times before. Poor thing.
On a brighter note, we woke up to beautiful sunshine! Finally! So after breakfast when Jessica and Jaoquin went to English with Carmen, Jeanie, Nate and Emi took off for Maku. Jeanie was sure to enjoy her shopping experience much more with out J and J anyway, it’s tough to keep their fingers off of everything. Nate probably should have stayed with me too, but he only broke on thing, they made Aunt Jeanie pay for it. But it gave Emi and Nate some time with Tia Jeanie. Tia Jeanie had a few words for Emi about sisterhood. Jeanie has been observing the sister relationship between Jessica and Emilee and analyzing just what’s going on. Both Jessica and Emilee like to be in charge and are used to being the oldest and the one with the responsibility. Even though Emi and Jessica get along great at times, they have great difficulty at other times. For Emilee it’s been really hard to fully understand the depth of Jessica and we have put a lot on her in our expectations of her being able to go above and beyond to help Jessica. As you can imagine it’s been tough for her, in a different country for weeks, becoming a young lady, and all the emotional pieces that just come along with adoption in general. Sometimes I am totally glad Emi and Nate were here for all of this, but at other times I think it would have been easier on them if we hadn’t brought them. However, it would have been more difficult for me. I guess that’s selfish. It’s been good for them to experience it all, but at the same time they have experienced a lot of “parenting” on our part for Jessica and Joaquin, which has not been easy for Emi and Nate. But again I have to say, I couldn’t be more proud of them, this has been a draining experience but yet so wonderful for them. They are true troopers and once we get home it will make it all a bit easier for Emi and Nate to handle. They will have their friends, their activities and everything familiar which will help off set some of the attention we have to give Jessica and Joaquin in their education, learning English and social behavior.
I was so anxious all day for a call from Lucia. I wanted to get out but was afraid she would call. We want the next few days to go quickly so we can travel by Friday. I don’t want to all try and get on a plane via standby on the weekend. But we’ll see. Lucia didn’t call today and it was silly for us to sit here all day, on a beautiful day, waiting for her to call. So we would go out for a bit and then come check in to see if we had any news, but nothing…all day.
After lunch we went to the park for a bit, then went to Crepes and Waffles. We were in and out all afternoon, so the afternoon went by quickly. It was so nice to enjoy some sunshine. Jeanie has been awesome to have here. She is helping me a lot with things with the kids. Just reiterating to the kids the importance of having each other as siblings, giving us stuff to laugh at and being a great help to me in general. I feel bad she is not with her girls but am loving having her here with us. Jessica and Joaquin have bonded to her already so well that I can’t wait to see them at home with the rest of the family. Joaquin and Nate had us rolling all day, they are so funny it makes our stomachs hurt.
I can’t resist telling this story about Joaquin from last night. It was a bit stressful dealing with lice, so he was a good stress relief. He came out of the shower with the towel around him and stood right in front of Tia Jeanie and said (in Spanish) “Now presenting, pause, ME!” and he drops his towel and starts cracking up. We doubled over in laugher, the boy doesn’t have a shy bone in his body. The staff here call him loco or Hurricane Joaquin, you can’t help but laugh at him, he’s a mess!
So our fingers are crossed to get the birth certificates tomorrow!
Tia Jeanie and Nate scrap'n over water balloons
A typical Joaquin hand gesture...thumbs up
Here is Nate with Joaquin on his shoulders, but Joaquin kept leaning over to give Nate kisses
Here is Joaquin checking out a bug on a tree. He has a "thing" with bugs, lights, napkins, and bananas...just to name a few
Another tree pic, they love to climb trees
Emi was sitting in the shade at the park and this dog came over to join her. Dogs, unleashed, are in the park, lots of them. They are always well groomed and well behaved.
Joaquin decorating Tia Jeanie with flowers
A little time in the sandbox
Great pics! Wow, just 2 weeks, you won't believe what 3 months with a little stability and real mami and papi love is gonna do to those young ones...what an awesome blessing to be chosen to be their parents!!!! Yea! So glad things are going well!
Hey guys!! Was thinking bout ya today...and tonight on my way home. I really can't wait to come home and read your blog and see how your day has gone!
Sorry to hear that you have the lice situation. But on the other hand...I am glad that Jessica went to HER bed with no fuss or problems.
I am so glad that today was sunny and you all could get out and help the day go faster. I think that it was great that Aunt Jeanie, Emi and Nate could get some time in together alone...without Jessica and Joaquin.
Jeanie - I love how you tried to help Emi understand that her and Jessica have been used to being the oldest sister for this long and it will take a lil bit of time to get used to. I think that it is great that you can be there with them. I know that it is a HUGE relief to have family there to experience with them, and to help Beth out.
Jessica - Way to be a big girl! Sleeping in your bed! Woo Hoo! Keep up the great work babe! :0)
Joaquin - You are such a riot! You keep us all laughing!!
Emi and Nate - I know that it is hard doing what you are doing. And now having two younger siblings...but you are doing great! Just a week you will be home and you will have had this wonderful experience! This will be something that you remember for your whole life!! Keep your chins up...things will only get better!
Beth - Thanks for sharing in all of your experiences throughout each day! All of the stories are great. Specially bout the boys...they make me laugh just through your posts every night. I can't even imagine being there personally with them. LOL
Thanks for all the pics tonight too! I would have to say that my favs is the one of you and Jeanie, and the last one...with all the kids layin in the grass lookin up at the camera. The one with Emi and the pup was pretty neat too. Musta been cool to have that dog just sit down so close all outta the blue! haha
Eric - How are things going at home? Hope all is well and are gettin prepared to have the rest of the family home soon!
Love and prayers!
Overall it looks and sounds like yuo had a great day, except for not getting the paperwork. We will pray it comes today.
I miss you guys and enjoy talking to you all each night and playing checkers and dominoes with you guys as well.
Thank you Jeanie for your help.
I love you, Beth
Papi' (Eric)
The pictures are wonderful. Beth, it's good to see you in a photo. Now we know you really are there with the kids. :)
I know it has been hard for Nate and Emi to be away so long, however, they are learning so many skills just by watching you. They are being groomed to become caring young adults. They are fortunate to have 2 wonderful parents and a supportive family.
Jessica, I am so proud of you for sleeping in your own bed and behaving for Mami and Tia Jeanie. I can tell over the past 2 weeks how much you are growing up.
Joaquin - what can I say? I can't wait to meet you! Between you and Nate, you will keep us all laughing!
I will pray the paperwork is ready today and you will soon be on your way home.
Love and Prayers,
Praying for the paperwork today!! It won't be long now and you will be back home.. we will be so glad to have you all back home. I know you all are missed and if Emi and Nate miss their friends as much as their friends miss them.. there are gonna be tons of hugs!!..
Emi and Nate- my words for you both are SUPER TROOPERS!! You have experienced more in the couple of weeks then some people do in a life time. These are memories to treasure. It is hard having things change so fast and be away from home while they are taking place, but you have shown how mature you are and we can see from the pics that you are really trying and doing a GREAT job at it too! Keep up the good work!
Jessica WAY TO GO on sleeping in your own bed.. you will find you will like it better cause you will have more room.. :) (smile)
Joaquin- you are so adorable.. I bet it is a riot being around you. I can't wait to meet you..
Beth I am guessing having Jeanie there is a huge relief for you. Just in time to help with the lice problem.. Thank God she is there to help you..
Jeanie I don't know you but I want to say Thank you for giving up your own time and sacrifice with your family to be there to help Beth. May God bless you for that.
Eric it won't be long and your family will be home and you will all be back together.. PRAISE GOD!!
Hang in there :) (smile)
love the pics they are all so precious.
thanks again Beth for the time yo take to keep us all updated and allowing us to share this journey with you.. We feel like we are right there with you and learning right along with you.
God Bless and believing for the paperwork TODAY!!
The Potter Family
I know you are probably tired of waiting, but the memories you have made these past few days are irreplaceable. you can really see your family coming together, dealing with the typical sibling issues and loving each other. This is just wonderful. i know you have to be a very proud mom of all of them. A lot of change in a short time and it seems they are doing better than could be expected. Congrats on all of your successes over past 3 weeks!
Hola, all my american-latinos, as always the blog and comments are a great blessing. I am so thankful to you Beth for taking all the time to be so thorough. It is so very much appreciated. The pic of you and Jeanie is beautiful, and warms my heart. It is such a blessing and a comfort to have a sister. I am so glad that the two of you are so close. Jeanie, honey, thank you so much for being there, I love you. Joaquin, you had better save some of those kisses for your Mimi. I am looking forward to getting a lot them. Jessica, you just getting prettier and prettier. I am so proud of how good you have been. Keep up the great work. Nate, I'll say it again, you should go into modeling. The pic of you in the grass behind the others laying down , is awesome. Emi, that dog looks like he belongs to you. That was a super pic , and so was the one in the tree.I was thinking today as I was looking at their pics, how much they already seem to be so much a part of our lives. I can't even imagine them not being with all of us. God certainly has intended for them to be with us. It all seems so natural and right. Thank you all for being obedient to the Lord. How truly blessed we all are. Hope all of you have a beautiful day. Bunches of love, hugs,and kisses, Mimi
What a wonderful pictures all of you guys!!!
Eric and Beth, I am telling you that I have to meet Jessica and Joaquin cuz those pictures and your story make me want to meet them in person!!I can't wait!
It is so wonderful for Jeanie is here to help out with you guys!! May God bless her!!!
Will pray for your paperwork be here today or tomorrow. I am sure it will be here anytime soon!!!!
Eric, Since you are in Ohio, If u are boring, give us a call and we would love to have you to be around with us!
We will thinking of you guys and praying for you guys!!
Can't wait to read your blogs tomorrow. Smile.
Love ya
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