I thought the kids would be wound up today and they weren’t. They talked about going on the plane tomorrow a lot, but they were pretty calm all day. I knew it was going to be a good day when Joaquin put on his camo pants this morning. Yesterday he said, I want to take these to the US, but then this morning he put them right on, I was shocked. He’s conforming already; it must be going well. And I realized this morning I lost like 15 lbs while I was here. Not that anyone could tell, but I was happy. Now if I can just keep loosing when I get home I will be doing good. Also today Joaquin asked to fill his water bottle and asked for ice in it. My mouth about hit the floor! What’s up with this boy? I had to laugh at him when he asked. After about an hour he went back to his water bottle and looked for the ice, he was all concerned that it was gone. I told him it melted, that happens!
It was nice to take one last drive here in Colombia today. When Andres picked us up he had another family with him too. We made a first stop to drop off this family at an ICBF office and then made several more stops at various places on the way to the VISA office. It took all of 10 minutes to run in and pick up the VISAs and then we were off again. As we were waiting for the taxi a security guard was talking to Andres about who we were. Andres was explaining I was adopting the children and we would be leaving for the US tomorrow. Jessica was sure to tell them about my lack of Spanish. But this time instead of telling them that I only speak English, she told them I speak a little Spanish. I felt like I had graduated! I went from and English speaker to a little bit of Spanish speaker. Again, I had to chuckle. By the time we had gotten back from all the running around Andres had to do it was like 2 ½ hours later, which made the afternoon fly by. Andres is so good with the kids…oh and he sings to the radio in the taxi, which cracks me up.
In the car today Jessica asked if we could go to La Maria and visit. Fine time to bring that up. We would have loved to have gone earlier in the trip but today was a little late. We didn’t want to just ask her outright if she wanted to visit, we wanted them to bring it up on their own if they wanted to go. She definitely wasn’t ready the first few weeks, and I hated to go without Eric, but knew she would have been fine going anytime within the last two weeks. We sent our items for La Maria with Lucia with a card attached saying it was from Jessica and Joaquin. Maybe someday we will come back to Colombia and go for a visit when they are older.
Also when we got back, James the beloved guy who works our front desk most days, stopped by. I was bummed when we went to breakfast and he wasn’t here. He worked at one of the other houses and when he got off work he stopped by just to see Joaquin and Jessica. He actually had tears in his eyes when he left, he said, “I just love those two.” Joaquin and James especially bonded, Joaquin loved to give James a hard time. James gave Joaquin several hugs and I think would have stayed to play. Joaquin was focused on a game when James was here and about 10 minutes after James left, Joaquin went looking for him. I think it sunk in for Jaoquin that he was saying good bye to Colombia. I had to explain that we wouldn’t see James anymore that we are leaving for the US and all new people, places and things. No tears, just a deep look in Joaquin’s eyes helped me to realize that he was thinking beyond what he had thought before. He already said some good byes to his friends at La Maria, and now he says good bye again. It’s all so much for these kids to go through, but they do so well with it all. I feel very fortunate to have had some wonderful people around us here at Zuetana. It may be expensive and the food may not be wonderful, but the people here make up for it. At the end of the day Lucrecia came into our room. She came with a gift. I cried when I opened it, it was a Bible, in Spanish, and she wrote a note inside. How very special, maybe one of the most treasured things we will bring home. Then Lucia called to wish us well and said to be sure to tell Eric hello and all the kids.
So this is it from Bogota a beautiful city with beautiful people. We are so grateful to the people here who have welcomed us with open arms and helped us along the way. We will surely miss Colombia, but I have a feeling we will be back…for a shorter visit…smile.
Okay, well don’t expect a post for a few days. It will take a day or two to settle in and find time to get back on the computer. We jump right back into a full schedule once we get home, but this time with two more little ones. My dad took off work on Thursday so we plan to spend some time just us and my folks on Thursday while Emi and Nate are at school. Plus I expect Jessica and Joaquin will end up a little emotional after a few days when it all sinks in that this new world is theirs forever. A new chapter in our journey begins tomorrow. The chapter that has just been scripted has been quite a story, full of joy, tears, grief, learning, new experiences and bonding. It is with joy and sadness that this chapter ends, but the chapter to follow is sure to be just as exciting.
And finally, one last water balloon fight
And one last jump from the top bunk to the bed. I know this is terrible, but we couldn't keep them from jumping. I can't believe we didn't end up at the hospital while we were here. You had to be really careful if you were sitting on the bed, because they would jump right at you.
That's wonderful! On your way home at last! Have a safe trip.
Have a wonderful trip home !!
Looking forward to seeing and meeting your new additions and the rest of the family.
Gods Blessings !!
The Bitners
Beth not sure when you will get this but whenever you do .. it is going to be great to have you all back home. As I sit here with a huge lump in my throat thinking about the journey your family has taken.. and so Thankful for allowing us to tag along.. It has been a learning experience..
I pray your flight is safe on your way home..
Jessica and Joaquin we can't wait to see your sweet faces..
Welcome to the United States.. WELCOME HOME!!
We are so glad you are here
I will be praying for a safe return home! I hope that everything at the airport goes smoothly and you make it home with no problems!
Thank you so much for writing every night and letting us all read along and join you in this wonderful experience!! I am so excited that you are coming home!
Take some time and get settled with your family. I know that they are all so happy that you are coming home...and can't wait to meet Jessica and Joaquin. Just as the rest of us are too!
Welcome home Beth, Jessica, and Joaquin!!!
Love and Prayers!!
Have a safe trip home. I'm so glad to hear your family is finally complete.
Beth and Eric, again I thank you for allowing all of us to share in your incredible journey. Thank you so much for the updates and pictures every day. It has been a blessing to share your ups and downs, to laugh and cry right along with you.
And finally - WELCOME HOME!
Love and Prayers,
elcome Home,
We are waiting with open arms for all of you. Can't wait to see your beautiful faces.
Happy Birthday, Val, see you later today as we go to the airport. That's a pretty good gift, seeing your new great niece and nephew on you birthday . We will always remember the day they arrived, because of Aunt Jo's birthday.
Bunches of love,hugs,and kisses. Mom,Mimi $ Sis
Even though you are already at the airport waiting for you flight to Atlanta...I wanted to wish you safe travels. I know you are excited to get home to the rest of the family. We are sending a cousin back to Bogota on the return trip of your flight today. He leaves Atlanta late this afternoon. Good luck with the latest transition for the kids. I suspect it will be challenging for them. If you haven't already sign up for the spanish tv channels through your cable company. They can watch kids shows and soccer (and jess can probably even find some of her soaps if you let her). It will give them a little taste of home.
Welcome home. Finally, the day you've been working towards! Congratulations~
FINALLY!! WELCOME HOME HOLLIS FAMILY! We are so proud of you all, what a journey you have completed.... We all love you all very much! Troy,Jena,Mason,baby Blake & Toni Lee,Michael & Karlee,Aunt Debi,JA, Skyler & Megan
I think it's totally random that I found your blog today - and you will be home with your long-awaited children in just 40 minutes, if you made all your flights. I just read all your entries. Crazy huh? But it was so great to see how God brought your family together. Congrats and God bless!
Welcome home, Hollis family! I'm so excited that all of you are back together again! Thank you for sharing a very personal experience with us...I've loved reading every entry and watching God's plan unfold.
I'll be on pins and needles waiting for your next entry!
I'll be praying that the kids, and everyone else, adjust quickly and smoothly!
God bless!
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