A few things we’ve noticed. They ask for ice in their drinks…remember when they wanted everything warmed up? They do well helping with chores, and even seem to like it. Except the clean your room part. They’ve asked to see the houses of every family member so we are taking them a little at a time to check out everyone’s places. We had a grill out at my brothers 2 weekends ago and the kids had a ball. We went to my mom and dad’s this weekend and they got to take their first motorcycle ride with Abuelo Papa. He just took them down a side street, subdivision type road, and they thought they were big stuff. We will take them to my aunt and uncles later this week to swim and will need to visit Aunt Jeanie’s when she gets back from her work trip in Germany.
The are getting used to our busy schedule with lots of running to sports and activities and are doing great. Nate’s baseball team has taken them in and made them feel special, the ball players play with Jess and Joaquin like they are buddies and according to Jess and Joaquin, “it’s really cool!” They love Emi and Nate’s friends and are adapting so well.
Joaquin is slowly learning how to control himself when asked and Jessica has been a gem since we have been home. Last night she even apologized, out of the blue, on her own, to Emi for being so mean to her in Colombia. And Joaquin saw a plane fly overhead as he was jumping on the trampoline and said, “No don’t come get me, I like my family and we are having a lot of fun!” However a few days ago he did ask me to call La Maria so he could talk to his girlfriend. I cracked up. He talks about Lilly, his novia, all the time. Jessica talks about La Maria constantly, telling us stories and things here that remind her of things at the orphanage. They both tell us they are so happy and love their family, they can’t get enough of all the grandparents and aunts and uncles, and they haven’t even met Eric’s family yet. They are doing well eating and trying new foods.
I don’t know what else to say, things are going so well and we are having a ball. I would do this all over again in a heartbeat!!!
A few pics for the record...things we've enjoyed since we've been home.
We had a grill out at my brother's and had a great time. Tio Brian and Tia Sonya got Jessica and Joaquin crosses on a chain that are engraved with April 08, our gotcha month and year! The kids love to wear them, so I had to put them up so we can save them for special occasions and not lose them!
Joaquin loves to help with chores
Emilee graduated from the 6th grade and she tried out for the Junior High cheerleading squad...and she MADE IT!!!
Joaquin likes to water the flowers and himself
Played in the spinkler in the yard (with me not working we are going with out AC this summer, so lots of time will be spent cooling off in the water)
We played in the water area at the park
And we've been to Tia Jo and Tio Bud's to swim a few times too.
I loved the update!!! We've been thinking about you guys and checking the blog ever so often for an update. So glad to hear that the kids are adjusting well. Its great that you can be home with them for the summer; I'm sure that will be really good for them. They look so happy!!! God has truly blessed you!
So great to hear the update, woman! Sounds like they've adjusted well! Awesome! And HOO-Rah! Emilee!!! Way to go, girl!
Glad everything is going well. I think of you guys often! Especially when Andrew has been playing that "DS"! Haha! He's actually learn more! I'm thinking it's helping with his coordination...it's not really a learning game when it's Mario Bros, but hey!
Well, I know you're busy, but love the posts and pics! The Mississippi Blogstalker! Wendi
So glad to hear that everything is going so good! I think and pray about all of you often! I miss seeing you at CState, but I know you're where you're supposed to be. It's exciting to see how God is working in all of your lives. Everyone looks good in all the pics...especially Emilee graduating from 6th grade. Way to go on making the cheerleading squad!
I hope you all have a great summer and play as much as possible!
Keep us updated as often as you can!
Love and prayers,
Hey thanks for the update. It's good to see that everything is going so smoothly and that Jessica and Joaquin are doing so well.
I wish you all the best.
I was thrilled to see the update and the pictures! I am really hoping to be home for a while when we get back too. Sounds like it has been helpful for you guys. God willing, we'll be able to make it work too.
I loved what Joaquin said about the airplane -- too sweet.
Our prayers are with you all!
Hey Emi
Congrats on making the squad!! Didn't I guess you were a cheerleader? I could spot one a mile a way. You are the whole package my little friend. Enjoy your summer.
Thank you for the update. I'm glad things are going so well.
Congrats to Emi! By the way, when did she turn into such a beautiful young lady? Look out Eric! The boys will soon be on your doorstep...
It sounds like everyone is adjusting well. Thanks to the Lord for answered prayers.
Loved reading your update! Joaquin's pictures always crack me up!!! I can just imagine what he is like- how fun!
THanks for the update! We are going through the summer with out AC too! Good luck with your quest!
Congrats Emi on your graduation! I loved the update...what a treat! I'm glad to hear you will be home with them for so long and that they are enjoy their nueva familia.
Alex and I were so happy to meet the kiddos at Brian's house! They are so stinkin cute!! Can't wait to watch them grow up. The pictures are great!
Erin, Alex and Ty
So glad to hear that things are going great!I am glad they have adjusted well! Congrats Emily on making the cheer squad!
Oh wow! Looks as though my stalking has chilled out a bit as it is almost 10 days later before I even knew you updated! Oops!!
I am so glad for the update though!!! It sounds as if everything is fallin right into place and as it all should be!!!
Jessica and Joaquin are just too cute. They are really growing up. I am glad that Jess appologized to Emi for her attitude in Columbia. And Joaquins comments as the plane flew overhead...too cute!!
Congrats Emi on your 6th grade graduation and getting onto the cheerleading squad!!
Congrats Hollis family! You are doing it! And I'm so glad that we are here to be with you on your journey!!
Luv ya!
Congrats, Emi, on the cheerleading squad. How awesome is that!!?? And how great to hear that things are going so well. I know you must be enjoying the time with the kids, Beth! Isn't it great to wake up and let your day unfold how it wants to and not how working dictates? I know I am already going to be sad when I go back and it's not even until the end of September! Glad that God continues to bless your family as things are going well and the kids continue to learn and grow each day.
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