Saturday, August 8, 2009


Yeah Yeah, I know…I never blog and now I post 3 times in a week…what’s up with that?

So, I have recently started my own “Happiness Project” and one of my resolutions for August is to pay attention to the funny things the kids say. That was an easy one, cuz they do keep me laughing. Anyway, through the year as Jess and Joaquin have been learning English they have come up with some pretty funny stuff. Sometimes just in the way they pronounce things or the accent on certain words. Well, we have two things that J and J came up with that the rest of us thought was very creative and funny. Both of which Emi and Nate also starting using. And now even I say these two things. So they have now become “Hollisisms” that make me smile every time we say them.

Before J and J…we always called pajamas either PJs or Pajamas. J and J combined the two and now we call them “P.Jams”

Before J and J…girls had panties and boys had underware. Thanks to J and J we are now not gender specific cuz we all wear “Pantywares”

Pantywares (panties and underware)
P.jams (PJs or Pajamas)

So maybe you don’t find these funny, but for me these Hollisisms make me smile and remind me to laugh and enjoy the little things that come about thanks to my kiddos. Hope they made you smile too!

Oh, in case you are wondering what a “Happiness Project” is…check out this blog:
It is not a biblically based site, but I find a lot of great info as gentle reminders of everyday situations.


Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

I love it! Thanks for the smile!

Juniper said...

Hey!! So glad to hear what all has been going on! I had two blogs to catch up on tonight!! :-)

WOW!! Emi is 13....hard to believe!!! And your "Hollisisms" are great!!! It's the little things that keep us smiling!!

Sounds like everyone is doing great!!! Hope the kids all have a great first week of school this week too!!

Lots of Love!!