Wow, we have had great response to the blog already. And lots of questions to go with it . It's hard for me to know what to include or what to tell people. So fell free to ask questions. It helps to guide me in informing all of you.
First...How do I leave a comment on the blog? Just click comment at the end of the daily journal. Then it will bring up a screen for you to type a msg. You will have to give yourself a user name and password for it to post. But you don't have to open a google account to do so.
Second...Will we see the kids before we travel? Yes, we will receive a photo, medical information and any background info available. After seeing this info we will "Agree" that these kids are to be ours. Then we prepare to travel. We will travel 4 - 6 weeks after we "Agree". This will not happen for several months.
Third...How long will we be in Colombia? We will have to stay for 3 - 4 weeks. We will be taking Emi and Nate with us. It will be a good cultural experience and life lesson for them. Yes, they will be in for a culture shock. We have tried to give them bits of culture each week to try and prepare them. But they will still experience culture shock. We want them to see where their siblings are from and to experience some of what that part of the world is like. We show them all the photos we can find to help prepare them for the sights.
Forth...Will the kids be Spanish speakers? Yes. I am taking Spanish at the college now. Eric is good with languages, and knows some Spanish, he will be fine. I will go nuts if I can't communicate at least somewhat for a whole month while we are there. Not to mention that I want to know if my children are telling me they are hungry, sleepy, etc. :-)
Fifth (last)...Will the kids come from an orphanage or foster care? They could come from either. The agency we work with works thru both orphanages and foster services. We won't know until we get our referral.
Thanks for all the interest. Hope everyone is doing well.