Jess and Joaquin can light up an entire room with a smile. Their energy for life is contagious. They are fighters, they are survivors, they are strong on the outside but fragile on the inside.
The process of adoption is a pure miracle that happens right in front of you.
One thing I never want to forget, Jessica and Joaquin had a certain smell about them when we first met them, but the smell was gone within the fist week.
You know you are one’s mother when you can lick your child’s suckers or share an ice cream and think nothing of it.
I never want to forget how excited and sweet Emi and Nate were to meet their brother and sister. Nate was shy and soaked it all in while Emi jumped right into wanting to be a big sister. Now the girls pick out each others clothes, help each other with their hair, and dance around the room to music while getting ready in the mornings. Nate and Joaquin love to chase each other thru the house hiding around corners to bomb each other with their clean rolled up socks then laugh from the bottom of their bellies when they nail each other.
The laughter that comes thru the doors and walls from the kids bedrooms is like medicine to ones soul.
The great big hug I get every morning when Joaquin wakes up melts my heart.
Jessica tries to be sneaky but has a look in her eye that gives her away every time.
Jessica and Joaquin do NOT like sleeping in a room alone, as a matter of fact it’s just down right scary to them.
Jessica is so smart, she is a true survivor and I admire that in her. She has amazing coping skills in every area. Our goal is to teach her how to use those skills for the good of others and to herself. She really is an amazing, child. Beautiful inside and out!
To watch Joaquin play and imagine always makes me smile, and sometimes tear up. I think of the time before we had him and how he had to take care of himself. He is so sensitive and fragile at times, who was there to rock him, comfort him…no one but himself and his big sister. Survivors I tell you! I wish I could put into words how incredible I think they are considering their background and what they have come through.
They speak of Colombia and La Maria almost daily. They talk about their favorite caretakers, Maribel and Patricia. They sing children’s songs in Spanish all the time, while they are playing, riding in the car, or just walking down the halls in the house.
Emi and Nate would not change a thing about our family and have fallen in love with the family as a family of 6. Nate talks about someday adopting on his own and Jess wishes for a little sister to be adopted. Nate says if we adopt again he wants it to be from Ethiopia.
Jess loves to watch TV but when instructed to go play, she can do so with joy and plays well alone or with others. She loves to play with polly pockets, her American girl doll, loves to fix hair and do anything girly, but is shy in front of others. She particularly loves the men of the family, uncles, grandpas and her daddy, but still says Tia Jeanie is her favorite.
Joaquin loves his Mimi and riding the motorcycle with papa. He likes to tease Emi, he adores Nate, he likes to sit on daddy’s lap to watch TV, but is really a mama’s boy. He is funny and witty and can make anyone laugh. He has a bit of trouble at times playing with bigger kids, he tends to bite or kick as a form of playing. Again, survival skills from the orphanage, but boy has that been a tough one to break.
Emi has become such a young lady through this process, but still loves being on the floor playing with her little sister. They tell secrets and have a language all their own, which I love. I have a great relationship with my sister and I desire the same for Emi and Jess.
Nate just rolls with the flow. He is a loving kid with a deep heart and a fun loving attitude, but is very sensitive and wants to please. He is a joy to be around and would be lost without the excitement of his siblings.
I tear up thinking about not having pictures of Jess and Joaquin as babies, and not being with them from the beginning, but am so thankful and more complete having them with us. Even the family, grandparents, aunts and uncles tear up thinking about the time before they were with us and realizing that even before they met Jess and Joaquin they were fully in love and attached.
And there is so much more…
OK, so I knew there would be a blog tonight, but did not expect two of them!! Always a fun surprise! I was just thinking this week how amazing it is to think that Jessica & Joaquin have only been here for less than 4 months. The way they have progressed is absolutely unimagineable. I can't even remember what our family was like before they were here. It's been such a natural and seamless transition. I am so proud to have all 4 kids as my nieces and nephews. I'm amazed at the progress each of the 4 kids has made since I went down to Colombia. Living in Colombia was quite tough for Emi & Nate, and although I knew they would get it figured out, I thought it would take much longer. The entire process must be so stressful for any given adult, but I can't imagine the feelings they must've had as children living in a foreign country and knowing they're bringing home 2 new additions to the family - FOR GOOD! I knew their actions were all part of dealing with the stress, but I honestly thought it was going to take a much bigger chunk of time to figure it out. I should've knew better as it clicked for them so quickly once they were back home on their own turf. Jess and Joaquin were also quick to figure out American life and what a family really is. They absolutely THRIVE on the love of every single person in the family. They have no fear of spending the night with us, going places without Mommy or Daddy, etc. They've just melted right in and go with the flow - just like Emi and Nate always have! Maddie and Annslee adore all of their cousins and I sure hope they learn a thing or two from each one of them. I'm proud to be part of this awesome journey!
~Tia Jeanie~
Hi familia Hollis!
Wow! What a post! It made me cry tears of sorrow and happiness...from the beginning when I saw the word "survivor" it just brings out so much emotions. These little kids have gone through so much in their short lives. Then as I read of how the kids have all sparked such amazing sibling just brings so much joy to my heart that the tears just don't stop coming.
Beth your family is just so beautiful and made even more amazing with Jess and Joaquin. Nate and Emi are such great kids! Mark and I always talk about how wonderful they were in Colombia when we met them. They truly are little treasures! Now you've got 4 little gems at home....WOW! You just have to stand in awe of how blessed life is!
Now I must run and wipe the tears of joy!
Thanks for the great post!
Wow! Thanks for the updates. It's amazing how well everyone is doing. This is definitely one story with a happy ending.
By the way, my friend actually adopted 2 boys from Ethiopia and loves them to death. :)
God Bless Your Family!
How beautifully written! God bless you all as you continue to grow as a family... it just gets better and better! I can't believe it's been almost a year!
I love to hear that the girls are now close. I felt so bad for Emi during that first week in Colombia. Look how far they have come. Both girls have really matured since April. They are simply beautiful! No worries, Nate will help Joaquin become more outgoing and teach him to interact with the older kids. They are the perfect match for your family. Miraculous indeed.
WOW! I got chills up and down while reading this...along with tears in my eyes. What an awesome post Beth! It is great how much the kids have all grown and matured in the time that they have all been together and a part of your family of six. You are all so truly blessed to be a part of each others lives. I am thankful for you lettin us share your jouney with you!!
I hope that things continue to move upward and everyone get along as well as y'all have been!
Beth, what you wrote was so true and good. I could just picture all of you when I was reading it. They have come a long way and I am so proud to be their mamaw. I can't wait to see you all again. Give everyone my love.
That is such a beautiful post. It is so neat to see how your whole family is doing! As I read your memories, I have to share that my favorite blog posting of all time is your Mother's Day post with the picture and descriptions of Joaquin at the dinner table.
God bless you as you continue to raise your four beautiful blessings.
How have I NOT seen this pot until today. I relate to so much of it--the thoughts, emotions, experiences. We have been blessed, haven't we? What beautiful additions that beautiful country gave to us!
Oh how the year did fly by. I agree with everyone... truly an awesome post. Thanks for keeping us in the loop! It's very cool to see a glimpse of how it is going through your eyes. Be sure to save this site (or at least print it) for years to come for Jessica & Joaquin to cherish.
God Bless Your Family
The Reynolds'
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